Earlier this week I was standing on the driveway watching my little girls ride their scooters when my next door neighbor came home from walking her dog. We got to talking and I mentioned that we are still thinking about moving to another neighborhood. She told me (twice) that she would be praying that we stayed. I thought that was bizarre. I mean, with all the things going on in the world these days, she would be praying that we don’t move away. It got me to thinking, what is the point of prayer for most people. I’m not religious at all, so I have my biases. I am guessing for some people it is form of meditation that helps calm their nerves? Or do people think that God listens to each and every prayer and then holds a board meeting with the angels and decides which prayers he will answer? I have asked this before in another thread, but is there a threshold where he has to answer it? Like the prayer requests you see on social media…if you get thousands of prayers, does that make it any different than one or two people praying? Any of y’all abrahamic types able to help me understand?