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Patricio Swayze

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Everything posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. Another thing, since most companies insist on these stupid open concept office designs, trying to get work done with a bunch of assholes yapping around you or on the phone is annoying as hell. Lately I have been doing Wednesday and Thursday in the office. The director of our business unit wants everyone here on Wednesday as a “collaboration” day. So when the office is full of people it’s less than ideal with all the commotion and people talking. Today, so far there are three of os here. Very quiet and much better. No remote work tomorrow since I work 9-80s. That should be our next topic where folks bitch and complain that everyone needs to work 5 days a week. Wrong.
  2. Because of location?
  3. Surly fascists stroking their micropeckers. Ana cums, all others can’t hold back. Their god has spoken.
  4. Absolutely. The majority of the time if a manager doesn’t have a family, you are in deep shit. Their career is their identity. They won’t respect your personal/family time. Big red flag.
  5. Why isn’t MSM talking about cereal packaging conspiracy? It’s 2023 and we still don’t have resealable cereal bags. They want your cereal to go stale so you buy more.
  6. I bet the overlap on a Venn diagram of people who think everyone should work onsite because of productivity basically eclipses the circle for the kind of people incessantly brag/complain about how much work they have. How much overtime they are doing. How they worked the weekend.
  7. Or the PMPs. If someone has PMP in their signature, 9 times out of 10 they suck at management.
  8. I never use dry cleaners and by working from home I am keeping 3 BBQ joints and one Vietnamese open.
  9. It’s not hard to manage the right people, if you know how to hire them. First 5 months at my current gig, my manage was still living in Europe. He had zero problems getting a hold of me or me delivering. Now with the company’s strategy changing, they are letting some folks go, but he is retaining me. Get the right people. Don’t be a dickhead manager/director/CEO. Folks will be loyal and work hard for you. Even if you only see them once or twice a week in person.
  10. Hybrid is ideal but work from home is great too. Managers and others that are complaining about remote work productivity have themselves to blame. You either: 1. Don’t know how to actually manage people. 2. You don’t know how to hire the right people. 3. You suck and no one wants to be near you. 4. All of the above.
  11. Problem with outdoor cats is they also kill birds and disrupt the ecosystem.
  12. This was not the thread bump I was hoping for.
  13. Remember awhile back when y’all told me not to engage with fatty?
  14. I honestly don’t know but I am inclined to think not particularly. Maybe someone else has a good answer.
  15. I am a huge fan of Fudge Tunnel, which is a band that is also criminally underrated. So Max, Igor and Alex Newport, hell yeah. The cover of Police Truck is so good with Peligro on drums. Back in college (1990s) our drummer graduated so rather than get a new drummer I wanted to experiment with a drum machine because I was a big fan of nailbomb. I contacted Alex and he was nice enough to tell me which he used for the songs on the album that Igor didn’t play on and how to set it up. I never got his results but I thought was really cool of him.
  16. Yeah, that shit is crazy. Justine and Alemão are really likable people.
  17. Thanks for the collection. Now go fuck yourself.
  18. For every “good Christian” y’all site, there is a Johnny Sack or Ana on the other side of the ledger. I stand by my statement in another thread: Christianity is a net negative. And a fairytale.
  19. After all the rain we had here in Houston I thought snake road would be active. Sun was out and temps were good. The amount of water on the road was reminiscent of two years ago. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it out at dusk so I had to settle for the afternoon. And unfortunately, no big targets were observed. I lost count of ribbon snakes but it was at least 15. One rat snake and a few plain bellied water snakes. I actually was just content to see all the animals moving around (snakes, armadillos, turtles, frogs, birds). I only took one photo of a snake. /blog
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