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Patricio Swayze

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Everything posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. Damn. Where are you? Let’s get two venomous bites on one page.
  2. Tunnel would be expensive as hell. Bridge would have to be like the new one in CC.
  3. Yeah. Pretty tough to float a platform out from Ingleside with a bridge in the way.
  4. I think it’s a combination of factors. But here is a good article that pokes holes in myths about coral snakes. http://thevenominterviews.com/2016/06/02/mythbusting-coral-snakes/
  5. A couple of years ago Homesickhorn and I met this high school kid into herping out on snake road. He knew quite a lot about snakes and helped us shine a ton of sleeping rough green snakes asleep in trees. Now he is studying at aggy, but I follow him on Instagram to see all the snakes he finds. Well, he posted this yesterday: He went to the hospital and was in the ICU but will be fine. Along with the bite, his ego is bruised because of doing something dumb. I told him I am glad he is ok, but this is what happens to people that study at TAMU.
  6. I wish I was moving to SA. Fucking hate Houston.
  7. I live in a house full of females, I’m not the boss of anything.
  8. Bureaucracy run amuck. I assume insurance and liability plays a big role.
  9. I’m sorry if this ruffles the feathers of any resident recruiters, but y’all are lazy as fuck. I know it’s a numbers game, but be better. I am tired of recruiters approaching me that have neither read my resume nor understand what my job is. My latest response to someone contacting me while I am currently employed. I know y’all let keyword searches do most of y’all’s jobs, but he better. If you can’t, kindly fuck off (despite my typo).
  10. I give ZERO FUCKS if this has been posted already. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrrYbnGPbIY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= If you are black and still supporting the right wing, you are a race traitor.
  11. Nice to hear opinions from actual boots on the ground type folks vs the oil baron making money off y’all’s back type shit. I take this shit serious because I work heavily with operations now and one of my dearest friends in this industry is a turn around supervisor. I just feel like a lot of the safety shit that is expressed in the office isn’t reality in the field, because of bottom lines.
  12. Erection https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cr4CS8DJLzG/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. I have worked in O&G for over 15 years (second career). And you are right, they preach safety. Most companies also claim that anyone has a right to stop operations because of a safety violation. I am willing to bet a lot of money that most people who do that will lose their job if they do that. I’m glad I work in the office, but fear for my colleagues in the field.
  14. Shitty salt lick talk not going away. There are many struggling BBQ joints that serve food that is way superior than that place. Screw this bullshit of its a cool location. Go eat at places that actually care about serving good food. Fuck.
  15. Patricio Swayze


    Not Tex-Mex, but best thread for it. Gerardo’s doesn’t miss. Although I had to bring my own big red. I haven’t seen it there in a couple of years. Two tacos de barbacoa y uno de carnitas. Delicious.
  16. This is the Katy prairie. Should be much darker. Here is another from a couple months ago, same road.
  17. Really pretty cotton mouth. From a distance I thought it was a copperhead because it was so light. Just a juvenile so will get darker as it gets older.
  18. Went and tried Rosemeyer’s in Spring since I am in the office today. Really great, both the brisket and the sausage.
  19. I’m glad that I have the will to not spend over $200 on a knife so that I can buy a nice $100 knife and a couple of budget ones and still have spent that $200. Fuck my life.
  20. He thinks he is an alpha, but in reality he is the ultimate beta. The very definition of a snowflake.
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