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Patricio Swayze

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Everything posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. Just watched part 1 again a few days ago. Will watch 2 more times before September. My body is ready.
  2. Maybe. But now imagine the dumbest poster on the football board. Now realize that person is 100 times smarter than our Longhorn governor.
  3. More like the moving I am watching. A favorite of mine which I have watched many times…
  4. I’m really loving this show. Back in the early 2000s my younger brother and I saw Riding Giants and Step Into Liquid in the theater (I think Dobie for both). Loved those films, so this is in line with those (at least subject matter). It just makes me want to chase my dreams more. It makes me happy that there are people in the world like this.
  5. Have you considered TRT? Because everyone knows a man dispatches snakes with a gun.
  6. I like axis locks just fine, but my preference is still frame and liner. I also like compression locks. I am down to one Benchmade in my collection. Just a mini grip. Carrying that yellow Beluga today. I probably need to update my flashlight as it’s about 6-7 years old.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqN7ozpjWzh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  8. I do like the Bugout, but the prices are absurd. Been researching the SOG Terminus XR a bit as an alternative.
  9. That stuff plus: R aising my kids to not be shitty people like Johnny sack and chrispy.
  10. I made one in photography class in high school using an oatmeal container. I think I have one or two photos from it still. Nothing that interesting, it was more of a learning experience about exposure time.
  11. A friend of mine in Utah is always putting together cool projects and inviting me to be part of them. Usually zines and such. This time she made homemade pinhole cameras and sent them out to various photographers and artists. Hopefully I get something interesting with it.
  12. Our drunk deacon is loving this. Fuck Abbott. What a complete piece of shit.
  13. Unfortunately, my killer, Jacaré passed last year. Fusca’s fee, however, is only $200 per weekend. Plus expenses (treats, scratches, good girl, etc).
  14. Had to go to Austin today for something and stopped off at a flip spot I know. Two very bitey coachwhips. In fact, one tagged me on the forearm to dissuade me from grabbing him. Which worked. Hard to grab a snake/take photo while propping a board up with other hand. He retreated to a tree and when I tried to grab him, he bolted. Little shit.
  15. That is unfortunate for me as an O&G professional.
  16. I’m guessing chrispy won’t have the stones to show up in this thread until his next screen name.
  17. It’s been 8 months since our last visit to Brasil and I am missing it a lot. Yesterday I was playing with my youngest and we were talking about Brazil and she said in a sad tone she wanted to go back. But we won’t be back for another year or two because this years trip is to Italy. I kind of regret leaving a ton of cachaça at my MIL’s house from this last trip.
  18. I sincerely hope RoJo makes a gazillion dollars and doesn’t dmaage his amazing brain in the process. Get you some Roschon.
  19. Oil and Gas is at its roots CR. Any business related to it is CR. I’m not saying anyone should or should not patronize said establishment, but folks should know where their money is going.
  20. Unless your name is Miguel Torres, you shouldn’t have that haircut.
  21. I assumed tech incels drive ugly ass Teslas.
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