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Everything posted by OrangEngr

  1. She sounds hisseous! Well, she’s a snake…
  2. My mother was having her 5th birthday you creeper.
  3. So close
  4. Brent venables? Oh wait, wrong thread.
  5. Is that a dog year quinceanera or a human year quinceanera?
  6. Butt vibrator insists the fight attendants list all the drink options available while ordering on a flight. Then he just gets water
  7. BV leaves his car while pumping gas at a full station. He just has to “drop a quick deuce”
  8. In unrelated news, the SEC has hired specs ref as an independent contractor for this week and this week only.
  9. I am now fully expecting marital strife this fall because I’m “being irrational” and need to “calm down” and that cat “ didn’t deserve to be kicked” and “burning houses never solved problems”
  10. THIS. RIGHT. FUCKING. HERE. As much as a lot of our new SEC brethren want to call us pussies for complaining about this, when was the last time you heard sankey or slive offer a public opinion about one school over another? And anyone who says they’re only human, why can’t they have an opinion? That’s what the fucking money is for.
  11. Why AMU on the lapels? Aggy not capable of making four letters fit?
  12. sorry, took me too long to make link work. Sound on
  13. http://twitter.com/10secvideos/status/1691602885379772633?s=42&t=JwnR4zDmHDP0FSM2XTi3Rg
  14. Got her in first thing this morning, vet suspects what they call old dog vestibular issues. Got her some steroids, so we’ll see if it helps. She slightly more mobile than she was yesterday, so we’ll see. Vet says give it a week and depending on how things go we’ll have the hard conversation. on a side note, my other 14 yo lab had some sort of tumor in her brain a year or so ago that had her pretty much completely immobilized. Crash steroid diet worked wonders and she hasn’t had an issue since so I have high hopes
  15. Oblivious college students are oblivious, details at 11
  16. We’re worried about one of my 14 yo labs. Here in the last few hours she’s developed extreme balance issues and cant stand without falling down. She’s got this permanent head tilt as well, google suggests best case it’s a vestibular (balance system) issue. She seems in good spirits, calling our vet first thing isn’t the morning. Wife’s not handling it well
  17. Sure, because 3/4ths of that rivalry wasn’t played with us being in different conferences. I hope CDC is compiling all this to put their shit on blast
  18. I feel good about the officiating this upcoming season
  19. RIP to your pops
  20. see 25:15 minute mark, shout-out to the aggy roller coaster
  21. And yet Beth mowens still has a job. Why god, why?
  22. Perhaps their current cross divisional opponent? As funny as it would be for aggy to get an “almost always lose game” as their permanent opponent, them getting an irrelevant to show them their place might be funnier.
  23. Innocent until proven guilty, councilor.
  24. Just like aggy wouldn’t pick UT to be its ONE rival either. The difference is we have Red River, whereas they are whiny pussy bitches
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