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Posts posted by OrangEngr

  1. 1 minute ago, nnm said:

    The whole family has made a tradition of going to Santa’s Wonderland in CS every year (https://www.santas-wonderland.com/). They left our house in Katy at 6 pm this evening. 
    This has allowed me to extend my own tradition of sitting in my family room, enjoying a whisky (Aberlour 25 tonight), and watching CFB, reading a book, or doing whatever the heck I want to do (which is decidedly NOT hanging out in aggyland with 10,000 of my not-so-closest-friends). 

    How many aggy parents are going to have to tell the truth about Santa this year? “But mommy, all I asked Santa for was a playoff spot!”

  2. Question that I’m not going to bother looking up thread for an answer to: if I have had COVID, could I reasonably expect not to have the vaccine side effects being discussed? Not that I won’t get the vaccine, but after having it (albeit a thankfully mild case) the idea of having  another day being knocked on my ass sucks.

  3. 14 hours ago, deadshank said:

    I need DEF and diesel.  Home chicken pulls his rig in to fill.  Gets done and then leaves it in place to walk in and shop.  



    That’s one of the few issues with Bucees. People reason there are so many gas pumps that there is no issue with doing this, even when they are all full.

  4. 3 hours ago, slorch said:

    the "let's take 9 people from our family to the grocery store during peak business times" phenomenon will never cease to amaze me.  It is some kind of innate need, but it is not common to all of us.  Drives me nuts in the stores...

    I do everything I can to avoid grocery shop with my wife, so I can’t even imagine this

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. 11 minutes ago, nunna yo bizness said:

    It's pretty clear in the second paragraph.  It's determined by winning percentage.  If we finish the regular season with one less win and the same losses as another team due to a missing game, we have a lower winning percentage and it's not a tie.


    Championship Game Participants. The two teams that complete the regular season with the highest winning percentage(s) will be the representatives in the Conference Championship Game.  The team that wins the championship game will be the Big 12 Champion.

    Look at example one

  6. My outlook has to be the leftmost icon on my bottom icon bar. In previous versions of windows that meant closing out every program on my comp if outlook ever inadvertently closed and you couldn’t move the order, it was based on when programs were opened.

  7. 1 hour ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Still here...

    We use our IP to do pot roast all the time, mostly so we could get the real crock pot out of the kitchen. That being said, in your case TKThunder, the vic mackey’s friends food thread is over there ——->

  8. 4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Poor choice of words. They're his, and her kids.  My dad wanted to leave his monetary assets, and their house to her, but had some things that were to be split among the 5 siblings: family art work, a river cottage, some other family items, an old second hand car, but her kids would have ended up with a pretty good chunk of cash, and their home at some point.

    They thought they were gonna get it all though cause, they had her power of attorney, and he was going to die before her.  So everything would end up going to them thru her, except those few things he specifically called out in his will. His wife even slipped up, and told me they thought they should get everything a few months back, before she was going off the rails (she caught herself, too late, and clammed up pretty tight after that comment).

    Now that she's passed away, their power of attorney ceases to exist, and all her assets, and my dads assets, (and anything not specifically covered in her will as being left to anyone) now automatically go to my father, the surviving spouse something or other rule..  

    I am, and have been my dads power of attorney, and they're lucky I'm not a vindictive person, and would never cut them out of an equal share of whatever is left in the estate, because he would not want that to happen. His wife would, and was going to make sure me nor my brother got anything without a fight.

    Ok, that’s a a slightly different ball of wax. I was envisioning more of a Brady bunch situation

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