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Everything posted by OrangEngr

  1. https://twitter.com/Andy_Staples/status/1027586918408708096?s=20 enjoy that new offense
  2. School is getting ready to start back up. Which means my wife will re-learn the terrible grammatical habits of the mush-heads. Wife:That's so extra! Me: Extra what? Wife:tone Its like she doesn't realize I'm trying to break her of her bad habits
  3. I treat this law like I do the whole no alcohol in public parks thing. It’s the way to deal with assholes while maintaining credibility that it’s not just cause they are being assholes
  4. NFL cheerleaders are more like the Texas Pom squad. There are no dudes in Pom squad.
  5. What is so goddamned wrong with cargo shorts? It's all over the urban Meyer thread. Who gives a fuck that I have an extra pocket sewn on my shorts when I'm putzing around town?
  6. He has always fully admitted knowing about 2009. Wether or not he reported it, is almost beside your point, which is a valid one
  7. They do love them some bevels
  8. OrangEngr

    Great Quotes

    Don’t half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing. Ron Swanson
  9. Apparently the Watkins nonsens got started over Instagram likes smdh https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/domestic-battery-by-ex-gator-justin-watkins-started-after-anger-over-instagram-likes-by-teammate/ You can call me old (I’m 33) but I don’t get this, and I’m happier for it. If not emphasized enough, bullet dodged
  10. As a tailgater who has more or less assumed control of my in-law’s tailgate logistics, I approve of this message whole-heartedly
  11. Pffft. Collinsworth always is. Do we have an "RPO" count for the night
  12. Is what's-his-face still holding out over the targeting clawback language on guarantee money? His agent will have a field day with this game
  13. Don't flatter yourself. See post 2 in thread referenced above
  14. Good god the new NFL helmet rule is going to be a giant clusterfuck
  15. Sitting here watching them talk RG3 and Lamar and their run ability...FUCK YOU JEFF FiSCHER!!!
  16. Thanks for posting the link, Chip. I'm not clicking. FCB
  17. Welp, great. Now we can move past that. Right? RIGHT?!?! FCB
  18. Sorry, my sarcasm font module must not have loaded correctly, my apologies
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