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Everything posted by OrangEngr

  1. This shit right here. Makes us look like Whiny babies
  2. Congrats, man. Your granddaughter is a meme!
  3. Bonus points if that is how her current job found out she was leaving too.
  4. I was able to shift my seats over two to get the four aisle seats with no issue. As long as you are in the same pricing tier I don’t think there’s an issue, that includes moving sections
  5. Great, now I have enter sandman stuck in my head
  6. You’ll get to hang out with Sarah Mclachlan, so you got that goin’ for ya.
  7. Conan was how I ended my weeknights when I was at UT. The walker texas ranger lever was legendary.
  8. I saw another article with the names of the roads, and after some google earth sleuthing, it’s entirely possible these public roads only have spacex’s launch facilities on them. I definitely sniff some small county DA with big dreams looking for some publicity. Not that spacex isn’t doing some less than kosher stuff, but this one doesn’t quite pass the smell test to me.
  9. “Texas is back” notwithstanding, college football is better with Joe Tess. Though I will say his work on Holey Moley is sublime.
  10. “More sarkisians than an Armenian phonebook” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
  11. How many jet pack squadrons could TMS handle? Though, honestly, based on how Tennessee/VTech went at Bristol, TMS>>>>>>>Jerryworld.
  12. I’d be more concerned if his name was [insert pun related to your local Chinese joint here]
  13. I’ve become convinced that keyless start is a conspiracy of the car industry to punish husbands. My wife has gotten in the habit of locking the door using the switch in her door to lock her car so she doesnt have to physically locate the key fob in her backpack. She’s only locked herself out twice, both times to no consequence, fortunately.
  14. Sounds like someone brought a blade to a gun fight.
  15. False. Keep them in the same division. That way the loser of RR still would make the playoff if that was their only loss. Zero reason to make them play again in CCG. See 2004 and 2008 (at least)
  16. Damn, they are itching for renewals
  17. This. Im in 105, and the only place I will move is lower down in 105.
  18. They’ll get back to you when they know who won the CWS.
  19. Redundant statement is redundant
  20. Go look up how long it’s been since we’ve gone undefeated in non-con, excluding 2020. (Lock up your guns/booze/opioids first). Sark just doing that would make me fucking ecstatic.
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