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Everything posted by OrangEngr

  1. Is that jimbo holding a juice box?
  2. Well, if nothing else, this will be a good poll of where surly lives. I’m guessing there is going to be some extreme proximity bias.
  3. Narrator: “The estimates weren’t free”.
  4. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
  5. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31339590/kyler-murray-says-arizona-cardinals-master-little-things-win great, he’s referring to himself in the third person now.
  6. What a bitch-ass move, grabbing the flag pole.
  7. That’s because you are thinking of sand people (no racist) you moron.
  8. Iowa state with a better chance to win the NC than Ohio state???
  9. Did you explain to him that “Well yes, but OU are a bunch of land grabbing cock gobblers, but this is just a friendly game against other players?”
  10. Nope. Vic’s friends food thread is ———->
  11. Damn, I would have lost money on betting if the words “Instagram” or “Deshaun Watson” showed up later in your post
  12. OrangEngr


    New Mexico is a sometimes food. And that sometimes is a week in July/august when I can spend a week in the mountains playing golf and otherwise not do a goddamn thing.
  13. Moron. Everyone knows where to find a hooker cheaper than a Whole Foods cantaloupe.
  14. Hey man, don’t knock case. Isn’t it funnier that we sent aggy off with a loss to herp derp rather than someone like Vince or Colt?
  15. Are you saying this is the ultimate “Don’t care, had sex”?
  16. Just so we are clear, are we claiming that it’s perfectly reasonable that in the 24 hours since buzbee posted 6 women have contacted him with claims and his team have been able to do enough work that they feel comfortable claiming it publicly?
  17. So we finish the eighteenth and he’s gonna stiff me. And I said “Hey, lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.” And he says, “Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” so I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.
  18. FIFM Im not disagreeing with your overall point, but I guess that when a relatively low-profile person seeks out a known self-aggrandizing gasbag of a lawyer, ESPECIALLY one not known to champion such causes in the past, let’s just say my bullshit meter starts pinging a little bit.
  19. Says “I don’t need the fame”. Uses “I” 22 times in one post. insert any number of memes here
  20. I’m still laughing at the “slightly hurt” headline.
  21. Yeah, but what time zone? DST adjusted or not? Cmon man
  22. One of our twelve year old labs just ate her second sock in a month (despite showing no interest in socks for the entirety of her life), and then two days later, proceeds to systematically throw up two days worth of mostly undigested food. Fortunately, the sock came up with the last bit; so didn’t have to make an expensive vet trip of it.
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