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Everything posted by d2o

  1. There was a congressperson that made the proposal a couple weeks ago. https://foxrochester.com/news/nation-world/gop-bill-would-add-trumps-face-to-mount-rushmore-anna-paulina-luna-president-south-dakota-washington-politics
  2. I havent paid attention to SLAM in ages but this is a pretty cold cover
  3. New CBA coming up I wonder if they will try to fight age restriction. I doubt considering how few spots there are currently in the league but they need to. Having to wait another 2 yrs to get Juju is not a good plan
  4. What are the lotto numbers this week?
  5. I feel like they did it because it was the home and home against UTA and seen as a way to get him game mins against an inferior team
  6. Pretty amazing some still have this view. I'm not going to say you're the minority but the people who can name W players and view them as viable celebrity endorsers is a quickly growing group. There is a reason the league now has a line of about 10 cities that want to get a franchise. Its not just because of CC
  7. Yes, this was the main impetus. Keeping the women from having to play overseas. The games have been pretty good IMO and the 1v1 tourney has been interesting.
  8. Just proof that all the money and fame in the world is never enough for some
  9. Why would it need to be followed?
  10. Its a consistent shot at Wemby. His latest big man hate project.
  11. Yeah, I've always thought there should be some provision where the Supermax contracts only count at max contract rate as long as they are on the team that drafted them. The way its structured now is penalizing teams for drafting well.
  12. Shaq is the most sensitive fucker I've seen. I have no idea why they felt he needed to be on this Tuesday show. VC is pretty reserved but he's coming out of his shell a little bit. I liked when they had DWade on there as well. Lefkoe is decent and nice straight guy. He's no EJ but who the hell is? The Thursday show jumped the shark yrs ago for me. Chuck and Shaq are basically Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet show and offer little to no actual basketball insight. They still have some funny moments but the constant hating is too much for me deal with. Kenny moved past annoying long ago ESPECIALLY during all-star weekend. The dunk contest has its issues but none larger than him as far as I am concerned.
  13. This 1v1 tournament is pretty good. It would be pretty dope for the NBA to do one
  14. He wasnt LOL
  15. He looks ROBUST!!!! LOL He has some excuse being hurt but he's definitely looking heavy
  16. They are doing a 1v1 tourney in this Unrivaled league. Interesting concept.
  17. Pretty wild. I'm sure Knecht is happy. While I know the Lakers needed a big I'm sure they arent too broken up about bringing Knecht back. Will be a little awkward for a bit though I'm sure
  18. Amen cant shoot either LOL, #TwinHype GOD I HATE THAT BIG FLOPPING BITCH!!!!
  19. Damn I love the Sixers getting curbstomped. Seeing it happening in the D just makes it sweeter
  20. I was really wondering about that with as well as his twin was playing. The Pistons should be able to get him more opps
  21. A fucking MONSTER on defense DAY ONE!!
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