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Everything posted by d2o

  1. LMAO!!!!
  2. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have an African music revue in *double checks*.............Salt Lake City, Utah?!?!?!?!?!?
  3. I was trying to stick it out with the main broadcast for the sake of Candace Parker but fuck Reggie Miller, I'm out
  4. There is absolutely no reason this shit should be tipping at 8:30 PM on a Sunday night. If they want to start that late move everything back a day and make the game on Saturday. Between 3PM and 5PM is the sweet spot for a Sunday tip. I thought he was gonna pick Lauri there. I surely would have just for the fuck of it.
  5. That was brutal.
  6. If there is one thing I hate, its concerts at sporting events. The always suck
  7. yep, and the last reserve is still the last player picked. This makes me wish they never went away from East v West
  8. This is fucking bullshit. Who really give a fuck if you were the last pick of the 24 best players in the world
  9. I get what you are saying but he was having a great yr early. Like 6MOY good. Then for whatever reason to completely fall out of the rotation is rough. he hasnt played in 12 straight gms so its pretty clear they've moved on from him. Let him move on too if he still feel likes he can play and contribute. They probably would have traded him if they could have got someone to take on his salary anyway.
  10. Embiid still only avging 46 gms/yr 8+yrs into his career is pretty wild but Zion getting 200M+ while only avging 28 gms a yr is fucking nuts.
  11. True. Cuban has fucked around. Now he will find out.
  12. Its actually more that KD willfully chose to hitch himself to Kyrie. He had to know at least some of the crazy he was getting into with him and he still chose to do it. Kyrie had already burned two different teams by this time so it wasnt like KD was blindsided.
  13. Tremendous defense on that final possession.
  14. I hate the "wasnt going to win ring" stuff. So many people use that to justify all types of crap. Just because you dont have a roster to win a title doesnt mean you stop playing. Especially at the beginning of the season. Anything can happen. The last couple weeks before the trade he quit on his team. He was pretty clearly going through the motions and was visibly out of shape. The same thing he did in BKN before the trade to PHI.
  15. Exactly!!! That fucker flat QUIT in HOU. His whole plan was to go to BKN and win an "easy" ring with KD and Kyrie then go to PHI since Fertita refused to trade him PHI.
  16. Right, that is honestly the most surprising thing. He's had broads throwing drawers at him since he was 16 and he has been all over the world without his wife and we havent even heard any chicks saying he smashed let alone have any extra kids out there. I wont even lie if I had em chasing me like that I can guarantee I would have got caught up at least once in 20 yrs
  17. Yep, its almost a miracle that not only did he make it to league without going to college but has been scandal/trouble free in 20+ yrs under a microscope starting when he was a kid. A whole lot of well adjusted kids from 2 parent household cant say that once they get an ungodly amount of money. The Decision (which I really had no issue with) and some awkward interviews are nothing IMO. He looks to be a pretty devoted husband and father and has broken the cycle that his parents were in. People like to pile on him for whatever but its all trivial shit.
  18. Its brutal man. They now have him on everything basketball related and his takes are terrible and make it clear he really doesn't actually pay attention to anything but superstar players. Then he gets offended and acts like he cant believe anyone could POSSIBLY question his judgment/takes. He constantly makes stuff that isnt about the Knicks, about the Knicks. The constantly yelling about everything is just the shitty frosting on a shit filled cake. I actively avoid him. Stopped watching Countdown before the games or I have it on but on mute until the games start. I cant stand to hear him for a single second now.
  19. Everything SAS is involved in is a train wreck.
  20. So HOU kept Gordon all this time and ultimately got nothing for him?
  21. He is! Cant imagine any way he isnt bought out but still funny.
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