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Everything posted by d2o

  1. Awful lot to give for the privilege of giving Jalen Brunson 25/yr.
  2. Even more reason why he's not giving up 30M more and a potential 100M more on top of that.
  3. The speculation that he would opt out and sign a MLE deal with the Lakers were fucking foolish. He's crazy but he aint THAT crazy. He would give up 30M immediately and probably another 100M by losing his Bird Rights when its time to resign.
  4. Oh yeah that definitely is the plan. Insane, but the plan. Max Brunson then complain next yr when he isn't Giannis/KD level.
  5. Also supposed to be hot for Ayton but obviously PHX can match anything they offer so it would take a minor miracle for that to happen.
  6. There has been way too much noise about the Sonics over the yrs for them to give Seattle a team and NOT call it the Sonics.
  7. I dont mind Vegas. They would just move MIN or NO to the East. Maybe both if they add Seattle and Vegas.
  8. Yeah, dude is great. Love him calling out dumb takes. Especially Stephen A and that idiotic Mad Dog dude.
  9. If he was going to keep it real across the board then maybe. He just sounds like the petty bitch that most think he is. Call out CP when he torched Bev and sent him last yr. It would even be different if Bev sent CP home this yr. This is just some haters' ball shit dancing on the demise of someone that you had nothing to do with. That point is further made when he refused to say anything bad about Harden who played just as shit-ily as CP did. So calling out people you dont like but saying "no comment" when it comes to people you do is not keeping it real. At all.
  10. Nothing like life in the D
  11. Remember they signed Horford to do that and before they got halfway through the first season they were complaining that Horford wasnt doing enough and he was getting in Embiid's way.
  12. All that fucking flailing and flopping by Embiid has cost them Green. I've never seen a big on the floor as much as he is. Most of the time for no real reason.
  13. We were talking about Giannis vs LBJ/Luka. Not even sure where Jokic came from in the conversation but are you saying Giannis cant take over a series??
  14. Nope. Neither play enough defense or do shit off the ball well enough to make up the gap between them in those aspects.
  15. This was my takeaway. Why is he taking that shot?? Why the hell was he bringing it up??? He kinda fumbled the dribble before Jrue stole it too. He had no business in that situation and the outcome is the reason why
  16. Few random thoughts: They really have to start punishing guys for flopping. The shit has gotten way out of hand. Fuckers flailing and falling all over the floor like they got shot with the slightest touch. Luka is good but that shit cannot be fun to play with. Way too many possessions where he has the ball 10-15 secs. Many of those where no one else touches the ball and he throws up a 25 ft shot with no effort at all to actually to get by his man. He almost never moves from the opposite hash mark on possessions when he doesnt have the ball. Then all everyone talks about is him not having "help". I REALLY fucking hope this shit about Embiid basically pouting because he didnt win MVP is just talk. I really dont like the guy but having a cracked face and a thumb that needs surgery I'm actually willing to understand him not playing terribly well. I don't think he is "that guy" but shit he is not close to 100% and still out there playing. But if this pouting shit is true then he is softest fucker out there. The Bucks are doing the same shit that almost got them bounced last yr. No real semblance of offense, just hoping that Giannis can make a play for himself or someone else isn't truly a winning philosophy. They should be beating the C's even without Middleton.
  17. Brooks was worse. Much worse IMO. He's lucky it was only a game.
  18. Yeah, there is plenty to have an issue with CP3 about. Harden and Blake Griffin not wanting to play with because he is too intense for them is not one of those things.
  19. Dude does stuff that shouldnt really be possible for a 6'2 guy. That dunk in the 3Q was nuts. Off two feet from the dotted line with 2 hands is not something that should be done at that size.
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