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Everything posted by d2o

  1. Morey still out here making ridiculous requests for a guy their whole org trashed
  2. SAS has actually been pushing this for quite some time. He's just an asshat so most people are ignoring it
  3. This. More importantly, is the $2-3M potential savings worth the additional negative publicity for someone who is already known as a pretty shitty owner? Or losing him altogether eventually? There is not one single chance that Ayton signs for less than $30M/yr. Bickering about whether its 32 or 35 is stupid.
  4. Only way to have a hard cap would be to eliminate guaranteed contracts or at least guaranteed contracts that remain on the cap after players are bought out/waived. In other words, that aint happening.
  5. Yep, I will believe this "point of emphasis" only when that shit is consistently called in playoff games and on superstar players
  6. According to reports the Lakers are 100% vaccinated so he would have to be.
  7. The "I'm doing my own research" shit is hilarious and will never not be. You and your internet searches are going to learn more than Drs and scientists all over the world? GTFOH
  8. Been saying since before he was drafted. He needs to lose weight. Not only does it effect his long term prospects it would help him be in shape and be available for 35 mins+/gm without he being gassed.
  9. And if they cannot understand how vaccination is bigger than just them then it says MUCH more about them than it does me.
  10. Well this was kept on the low. So Zion is going to miss yet another training camp and be out of shape all season. This is going swimmingly
  11. At this point something like 3B people have been vaccinated. If that isn't enough of a trial, I'm not sure what would be. Further if they can see what KAT went through this past yr and think "eh, I'll take my chances" or "COVID isnt real" then fuck them and anything they stand for.
  12. Report last week stated that Lakers would be 100% vaccinated at start of camp
  13. Well, the thought that I've seen is them trading Draymond in the deal not having both on that roster at the same time. Its risky as hell obviously but I can at least see what they would be trying to do.
  14. They will make him the next Draymond actually. He actually has all of the same skills as Draymond with infinitely more athletic ability but a lot less leadership qualities. I dont agree with them giving up on Wiseman but I will say despite all this criticism Simmons has taken (some of it warranted) I think that whoever gets him will get a very good piece for them moving forward.
  15. Completely agree with this part. Dude is horrible. No wonder I knew nothing about it. Errbody on Fox Sports blows. I refuse to watch a second of their programming.
  16. Kyrie is much more proven playoff performer than Harden IMO. KD + Kyrie > KD + Harden. I'm not sure how this trading Kyrie stuff got started anyway. They would be stupid to do that.
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