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Everything posted by d2o

  1. Its pretty wild that he would opt out after 4 yrs of it being a forgone conclusion that he was taking that 44M. I'm sure he had a pretty good idea of what he will be able to get out there.
  2. Meh, I've never cared about ratings anyway. I want the best teams going at it. No idea why so many people with no real connection to TV are always popping off about ratings. Who cares? Enjoy the games.
  3. The league absolutely does not. Its irresponsible journalism to constantly make it seem like the league favors one matchup over another. Its also just fucking stupid.
  4. I so hate people bringing that shit up every yr.
  5. That was one game. Teams get waxed all the time and win again. And again, they are at home. More importantly, its just two pts.
  6. First things first brah. Always!
  7. I know its the playoffs and all but a meniscus tear (even a small one) doesn't seem like it should be a day to day injury.
  8. Yep, this for sure. He can make damn good money, not really have to deal with players on a day to day basis and sleep in his own bed at a decent hour as many nights as he wants. I'm not mad at him for choosing this over going back to CBB
  9. Not only is Stevens not getting fired he is getting a promotion. No way they would force Ainge out just to promote Stevens. Dont pat yourself on the back
  10. So Stevens gets a fucking promotion?????? Like I said a couple posts back, a lot of these teams are fucking stupid
  11. Crazy cause at the start of the season all we heard wasas how stacked they were
  12. A little late but fucking hilarious so yall gonna have to bear with me.
  13. I have to think that other teams have seen him fuck that "boston" he had and wont be quick to hire him but then again most of these teams are fucking stupid.
  14. Steph is in NO WAY a better defender than Dame. Not saying Dame is great just that Steph is terrible!
  15. He wasnt doing shit anyway
  16. AD is the most clumsy world class athlete I've ever seen. He hurts himself constantly.
  17. These fuckers didnt even get their asses kicked. Just lost their privilege to go to games........$100M!!!!
  18. Oh for sure. Then the bitchass would have been trying to sue
  19. All fun and games until one of the players catches one of those fans and beats the fuck out of them
  20. Yep, I dont know why folks think that shit is cool or funny or anything other than assholery.
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