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  1. No meatpimp. Dont care.
  2. pops


    Kyler looks up to him.....
  3. Smu paid football players. Pedo state looked the other way at child rape for decades. One got the death penalty. One got a slap on the wrist. Seems legit.
  4. Apparently no dump button during dry dock Babe laughenberg with the "you don't think I follow this shit?". And wilonsky just laughs.
  5. Fuck spatulas for smash burgers. And a skillet is tough to do more than one at a time just because the lip of the skillet impairs smashing. But if it's all you got it's all you got. @jimmyjazz tool posted above looks good. I picked up a mud trowel from home Depot that I use to smash. Those old metal irons from the 1800s or whatever work great, too. You need to get some leverage to really get that lace effect.
  6. And with a 7 year old you can do some great little short hikes around St George where the weather will be even more predictable that time of year. Actually in st George now to visit my daughter and headed to snow canyon for just such a hike. But yeah....Bryce can be cold as fuck and completely snow covered that time of year.
  7. I had the same epiphany this year. I've done lamb chops several times and they were always good but I'd never done a leg. I think it was better than any prime rib than I've ever done. My kids agreed.
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