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Everything posted by pops

  1. Page 221 (or 220, whatever it takes) is surly greatness.
  2. Lede burried. We all know Tesla self driving is bullshit. Rober lidar mapping space mountain and haunted mansion with a chest worn device was fucking awesome. My kid loves him and we have the crunch labs subscription. I highly recommend it if you have kids in that age range. I have nothing to say about musk. Fuck that twat.
  3. I just want the muzzle and leash taken off the poles and the fins. Sochi would be a Finnish ski resort before April.
  4. I know I'm replying to this 6 months later, but rabbit holes and what not. I looked it up and had this one as a kid. It's still in a shoe box at my parents somewhere. Seemed so much damn bigger when I was 6. But had working drawbridge and everything.
  5. Getting the team bags ready to go today. It's still too effing cold for baseball up here. But we are going to have 6 tee ball, 6 coach pitch, 5 AAA and 5 majors teams. Plus a juniors team to boot. Most kids we've ever had league wide. LFG
  6. That would be like driving on marbles
  7. I'm as hard on Ferrari as anyone for their ridiculous strategy decisions over the years, but I don't hate this one. The weather report was all over the place and if they stay out and it doesn't really rain, they double podium. Maybe even 1st and 2nd. Just didn't work.
  8. You think that thin sninned bitch could handle the criticism from cooaching a men's team? At Texas???
  9. pops

    PGA Tour 2025

    It's a peninsula. Not an island. This is a fucking island green
  10. pops


    So cool to see all these places in Butte I've been.
  11. When the fuck did the thread title change?
  12. 13u parents shouldn't be at practice. I don't think 11u parents should be at practice... Maybe even 10u. That is time for the coach and the kids with no outside pressure. I haven't had to ever make a rule about closed practices, but maybe you should? That isn't healthy for the kid, his teammates, you, anyone. And don't punish the kid if his dad is a dick. If the kid is a dick, sure. But sins of the father and all that.
  13. What are the percentages of the astroid today?
  14. Count me in as movie theater guy. I grew up in a small town and a couple small towns over there was a movie theater. With a balcony and gold leaf and burgundy curtains and everything. I love the sticky floors and the smell of butter and Dolby doing their thing. If it's a movie I want to see it will be at a theatre. Nothing else comes close to me.
  15. Mwc cut a big check to unlv and air force to stay. UNLV really needed the money because they are broke. That guaranteed the leaving members didn't have the votes to just dissolve the conference. I'd really like unlv, Wyoming and new Mexico to be in the PAC whatever. That's a great regional conference with a lot of long time rivalries and a relatively small footprint. Afa could go to the American with army and navy.
  16. I'm not going to say connections has jumped the shark, but there's been several times lately that I thought green and yellow were way harder than blue and purple.
  17. Kiper is an idiot. Anyone that has sanders as QB 1 in this draft should fire their GM. Check his completion percentage over 10 yards.
  18. It will be fine. I'm just glad my kid is excited to play baseball again. This is the first year since I've been here (6 years) that we are actually having kids transfer into our league. That's never happened in the past. And our 12u team looks like it could be really good. I never thought in a million years I could care this much about little league but here I am.
  19. I guess there's always a number someone will say yes to, but I just don't see him leaving. He has it so dicked. Lives in the middle of nowhere. Doesn't have to deal with any boosters or bullshit. Gonzaga has sneaky money (no, it isn't Texas money but it's more than you think) and just gets to lay low and no one bugs him.
  20. Home record is ridiculous. Winnipeg is even more ridiculous. What a time to be alive.
  21. I'm honestly not sure if I'm an isolationist or a war hawk. I think there are times and places where people "over there" need to deal with their own shit. But I also think that to whom much has been given, much is required. I know Ukraine was a shit show for a long time... And maybe still kind of is. But when you are on the presipice ( if that's even a word) of totally dismantling one of the worst bad actors in world history how you can't just do the bare minimum. The rapes and murders and torture are not made up. Russia is a shit hole and always has been and always will be. How you could take their side is mind bottling. Trump is a simpleton. He just needs to be told that Ukraine winning is better for him than the alternative. Truly incredible day. Can you imagine if Regan (no CR) had the ability to completely kneecap the ussr with putting no American lives at stake and the only cost is giving billions and billions of dollars to American companies and unloading our warehouses? Fucking Idiocracy right now. I don't even understand the end game.
  22. You need to put out a newsletter. I will subscribe
  23. Watch out for snakes!
  24. My buddy worked for him at Utah. You could do worse, but it would be difficult. Edit to add... Another buddy of mine was the coach at Idaho during boylens first or second year at Utah. Idaho was playing a money game in salt lake and early in the week boylen said it was Idaho's Superbowl. Idaho beat their ass and my buddy had brought an old ass Superbowl hat that you would get for like an SI subscription in 1992 and he puts it on after the game for the handshake line. It was glorious. Boylen is a psycho and a bad coach.
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