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Everything posted by pops

  1. Pick a sport. Denver fans fucking suck.
  2. Do we know how much money that is? Nvm....didn't click on the full tweet.
  3. Don't touch them. They may feel soft and fuzzy but those fucking hairs embed themselves under your skin. ETA It's a wolly bear caterpillar. Will turn into a moth.
  4. Mystic Dan McDowell was fantastic.
  5. pops


    I tried. Just didn't do it for me. Didn't read the book. Didn't even look at this thread until I'd finished it all.
  6. Drop 2 out of 3 to a team that had 6 wins Friday morning. Great.
  7. Fucking finally a race!
  8. K mag. He's been channeling his best stroll impersonation all weekend.
  9. Crazy to see merc as a mid pack team. Brown has been a wizard at McLaren.
  10. Geezus... did Jake Paul eat logan? I know Tyson is 90 years old but I don't think getting fat is the right Play. That's the only interesting thing from the pregame show so far.
  11. Bob admitting all the draft analysis he does is basically bullshit and worthless is the most honest thing he's ever said on the station.
  12. First sweep by the brew crew in 6 years. I smell am extension for oli coming! Fuck
  13. Fuck em. You want to be an asshole you don't get to participate in our economy. Full stop.
  14. Teddy E is what we would all do with the platform he has. Greatness
  15. Wait.... there's a difference?
  16. Rodney king. LA burns to the ground if they find him guilty. Whether he did it or not. Cops and prosecution did themselves no favors but unless there was crystal clear video of him doing it he was never going to get convicted. And maybe not even then.
  17. Tree fiddy (Obligatory)
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