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Everything posted by pops

  1. Fuck em. You want to be an asshole you don't get to participate in our economy. Full stop.
  2. Teddy E is what we would all do with the platform he has. Greatness
  3. Wait.... there's a difference?
  4. Rodney king. LA burns to the ground if they find him guilty. Whether he did it or not. Cops and prosecution did themselves no favors but unless there was crystal clear video of him doing it he was never going to get convicted. And maybe not even then.
  5. Tree fiddy (Obligatory)
  6. Teddy E already working them in.
  7. I don't know why it amazes me every year, but it does. Maybe it just makes me more angry at all the other shit sports apps out there. But it is the gold standard. Only thing that even comes close is MLB.
  8. And the boathouse at hendry's is a great seafood/bar spot. Sunsets are spectacular.
  9. Second half
  10. Hurley can coach his dick off. But God he's a pretentious cunt. Now I'm sure if it...I hate him
  11. Ncaa loves the fucked up start times. It's mind bottling.
  12. Even when vettel and Lewis were doing their thing, it wasn't like this. This is just dumb.
  13. The last two years spoke volumes. And they extended him. DeWitt doesn't care. Mo is regarded and oli has no clue. Whomever is in charge of the pitching farm system should be fired. We are late 80s to late 90s territory here.
  14. I'm a glutton for punishment.
  15. Close as we will be to. 500 all year.
  16. Carlson starting the year on the IL. Somehow I blame peewee.
  17. Today is the day. T Mobile subscribers hesd to the T Life (formerly t mobile tuesday) app and get your free subscription to mlb.tv for the year. Active for the next 7 days.
  18. Stuffed breakfast poblanos
  19. 21 for Samford is one of my best friends kid. I've known that kid since he was 8 years old. To get fucked on a call like that is heartbreaking. God damn it.
  20. Csb/ I've been on a couple of the nacaa charters (not forst 4, but first round) and they are pretty trippy. Both times we boarded in the cargo area of the airport with a couple tsa guards just kind of looking at everyone. Completely white plane with only a tail number. It's like we were going to area 51 or some shit /csb
  21. Post game their coach said they had a 1:30 am flight to Charlotte.
  22. So... Virginia hasn't won a tourney game since their title? Oof.
  23. Go back and play golf with my dad and grandpa and uncle again. California desert. Late 80s.
  24. That's awesome you can buy the goat logod stuff. I thought it was only available like at their member member or something like that. Pretty cool.
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