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Everything posted by pops

  1. The past few pages of meat pimp talk have brought me great joy. Thank you, assholes.
  2. Seconded. I'd party with the meat pimp.
  3. Infield skins have so much clay in them to get a consistent surface that they just don't drain. I think the grass is holding up remarkably well given it is December. In Boston. In a fucking deluge. Now if you want to say it's fucking idiotic to play on a baseball field. In December. In Boston (or anywhere) in a deluge. I completely agree.
  4. Don't they make a glove that gets tackler when wet? These guys look like they are just wearing regular gloves.
  5. Lulz at Louisville copying Oregon duck wings. Adidas is so bad they have to copy dog shit like that.
  6. Meat pimp of heimich County caused those stretch marks. You show those stretch marks some got damn respect!
  7. Rent free. Forever and ever. It's like rent controlled rent free.
  8. I just read upthread that atm brings all the eyeballs and every sec school owes them like eleventy billion dollars. Now, Texas made the playoffs just because they bring so many eyeballs? Circles are confusingly hard when applied to their logic.
  9. CDC was on the ticket today with Rob wilonsky and David Moore. Will be on the top 10 in the app and on Spotify or whatever tonight. Fantastic.
  10. Robert willonsky is a God damn national treasure. His interview with CDC today was fantastic.
  11. Staley can't make the tarmac after this shit
  12. Just to touch on av few things from above..... Definitely go for magnetic wall mounted knife holder. I'll never put a knife I use in a drawer or block again. For sharpening, the Ace hardware by me does it for free. And it is awesome. Keep a honing steel around to keep the blade in shape until the next time I'm at Ace and drop my knives off. My mom got the cutco set maybe 30 years ago and the shears are still going strong. I hate the chefs knife because my knuckles hit the countertop when trying to chop. Just not enough purchase from the blade to the handle. The serrated knife is good, though.
  13. I forgot how much I didn't miss hearing norm.
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