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Everything posted by pops

  1. Quit playing with your fucking food.
  2. I hate byu more than any fucker in here. And it isn't close. I dont want a win. I want shit pushed in so hard that they choke on it and question their own existence. I want sitake to quit after the game because he realized he can't compete. Fuck byu with a 24" rusty dildo that has traces of aids and haunta virus sprinkled with a touch of chlamydia.
  3. That was a BP home run. He fucking crushed that shit.
  4. Hey hedgie......what's the number on your ass???
  5. That was fun baseball. Enjoy the fuck out of it. That shit is not common.
  6. Duck fat fries.....walkoffhomerun.gif
  7. My ode to the coffee shop at little America. Iykyk
  8. Did Jr borrow his dad's suit? That is not squared away.
  9. Frick. They will say who the Frick was that guy. Or maybe who was that freakin guy.
  10. I dont know how gordo can even talk after he does bochy. I'm not saying it's his best character ever, but it's the best in a while. "Would have been an easy double if he hadn't been sitting in his lawn chair at home....."
  11. This is a faping. Fuck everything about Houston.
  12. They are going to hold him out of 2 spring training appearances in 2025. Manfred is fucking serious!
  13. Was that an @immamac sighting in Houston in the seager mariners jersey???
  14. 3 is nice. Could have driven the stake right through the trash banging heart.
  15. Run out of the box. That is horse shit
  16. They don't draw pictures. Sark turtled after the 1st and he just about found our after he fucked around.
  17. He asked for a 13 and they gave him 31
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