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Everything posted by pops

  1. Evers has crazy arm talent. He can just flick it for 40.
  2. Does he know any other mode? Bitch gonna be a bitch.
  3. Yep. This is a fuck you, welcome, and good bye
  4. Colorado has legit talent on the outside and at qb. But I think oregon destroys both their lines.
  5. I dont even know what targeting is anymore, but not av defenseless player and didn't lead with the cown so maybe not? I don't know. But fuck byu.
  6. Bryant just sent that byu kid to the afterlife.
  7. The frito one where the chick wants Micah to put baby in her while her husband watches makes me chuckle.
  8. Throw that to the outside shoulder and it's a TD
  9. Was definitely getting these vibes
  10. Lulz Jimbo almost woody hays'd that shit
  11. As a young pops, the big 10 always epitomized the college experience. Fall. Leaves. The quad. Land grant universities. Taking the train to the game. Fucking loved it. Still do. But other than Ohio State, they've all stayed there.
  12. As a traditionalist, I can appreciate this game. But good god, the big 10 fucking sucks. This is 1963-1983 football. Which was great.... at the time.
  13. I dig the high Kurbs. Stay on the fucking track. Put in full on curb and gutter as far as I'm concerned
  14. The Taurus sho was a fucking sleeper back in the day.
  15. Followed this pretty much to the T. Except I roasted the squash myself.... didn't use pureê. I thought it was great. Going to use the filing I didn't use under a steak or pork chop or something tonight. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a3963/butternut-squash-ravioli-recipe/
  16. I got logged out for some reason and the ads aids were so bad they would cover the login button after I entered username and password. I dont know how anyone that isn't treefidy or legacy even looked at the site. I don't know if anyone pays for banner ads anymore, but they are the only ones I can stand. All the middle of page and auto scroll and auto play garbage out there made me switch to duck duck go. There are some sites that it doesn't play well with and several newspapers that auto boot me. Fuck em. Just sell all our personal data to Russian bots like everyone else.
  17. Roasted butternut squash ravioli in brown butter and sage.
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