Plastic grass sucks. It's certainly gotten better but it just can nene react the way real turf does. That being said there are some shit turf managers out there that continually put out a shitty product. Hire someone better. Alabama, the chiefs, green bay, the raiders and many othets...all have great superintendents that get it and put out a great product
Arizona usually has really good turf. The NFL fucked up the superbowl with their people. They Overseedeed and overseeded and overseeded with rye to get a nice bright green field and it produced a slick shitty product with no root depth. But I'd still take it over so-fi where obj blows his knee on a non contact play. And that's really the key. Soft tissue injuries on non contact plays are significantly higher on plastic than grass.
Csb, but I actually work with the raiders on their practice fields. I'm not allowed to touch the stadium field, but neither is anyone else. Any college or high school games played at allegiant are on the plastic field that sits underneath the tray the real field is on. I dont know why any team would allow any activities on their field other than their games. There is just too much at stake.
I dont know if Rodgers pops his Achilles on the exact same play in green Bay or not. But plastic simply doesn't release like grass and your foot gets stuck in the ground and that isn't good.
If the nflpa wasn't the weakest union in pro sports plastic would have been outlawed long ago. It's an inferior product for the best players in the world to be playing on.