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Everything posted by pops

  1. Where are the bitches? I was told there would be bitches.
  2. Hey rosie...I have a tamale in the end of this shotgun. I'll sit on the deck with the orchestra until gordo jumps off but I'm completely out from the mix at 950 until wtds. Gen X is enough to keep it on during the hardline. It's sad to watch the old girl die. Helluva run.
  3. Those mercs are bad ass. Well done, Stuttgart!
  4. The legit field rush is pretty great. Go get it, dukies
  5. Clearly have never surl'd before. Texas sucks and can't beat anyone. Texas will beat everyone. This is the way.
  6. I kind of maybe thought McClaren had something. He doesn't. He's an idiot. Middays is only useful if you're fucking and trying not to nut.
  7. Ruhle chews on his tongue like a dumb cow
  8. They've been moving on that left side early all game.
  9. He taught my kids how to make shrimp scampi
  10. I can't wait for the graphic that explains how overtime works!
  11. Thought he was out live. Great catch
  12. pops

    Uniform Pron

    Colorado state was orange and green and mascot was aggies up until like the mid 50s I think.
  13. I can't believe I hung around. I can suspend disbelief with the best of them but raglan isn't fucking that chick. And then the final 20 minutes were better than anything the entire series. But at least it looks like something is coming back. Luckily it can't be worse than this pile of shit. He finally just shoots him? Really? Fuck off.
  14. You putting something over the seed after you put us down like peat? What is your seed mixture? Sports/golf turf is what I do for a living. I'm assuming you're in Texas..... when are you trying to get it playable?
  15. Jub and gordo with no Jr is so much better than just Jr and gordo. Jub is a s simpleton and his hot takes suck. But when he just embraces that he's Chris Farley he's fantastic.
  16. Fuck that. Other than the dude, I'm not telling any smart 18-21 yo pussy no. They are all invited to the pops party.
  17. Hillflint shit is awesome. Quality is top notch. If you are affiliated with a school they make sweaters for, get one. It's a lifetime piece.
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