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Everything posted by pops

  1. She has no idea the weird shit I'll watch today
  2. Norm may be the worst interviewer in the history of radio. That maddux interview was tough to listen to. And they know each other. What the fuck??
  3. Wilonski is better than half the full time hosts. Fight me.
  4. Yes.... but with ballys going bk, who knows?
  5. No cr, and I get not wanting to grant a blank check when we have plenty of our own problems at home, but no more aid for Ukraine means aiding the Russians. Fuck that guy in the goatass. This is absolutely the perfect situation.... we don't have to put a single American life at risk while helping to crush an existential threat to the world while simultaneously building up some good will in a part of the world we haven't since the late 80's...or ever. Also putting china on notice to simmer the fuck down. And what is the cost? Having a national garage sale. If you aren't on board with that then you aren't on board with the actual good we can do. So go fuck yourself.
  6. Lloyd would be a home run. He would run circles around those bitches musselman and Bennett.
  7. I see you never met 99% of college AD's. He will be on a big time bench next fall
  8. Loved days gone. I actually thought it was harder to beat than TLOU but the characters and story weren't quite as good.
  9. He's so fast because I still breastfeed him. Lisa McCaffrey is my new leader.
  10. They talk about Kyrie and then the stream goes down....coincidence? I THINK NOT!
  11. Until they decide no then yes then no then yes a thousand more times.
  12. I thought Texas already gave notice. Was it open ended or did they specifically say for 2025. I can't remember.
  13. I think it's funny when they dropped the hint early on. Maybe episode one....someone asks her if she is having issues with a boy and she is like....uh....fuck no.
  14. So is the bus on or what. I haven't been able to listen to anything but the muesers and the shit top 10 all week.
  15. Holy shit! I couldn't place him. Thank you!
  16. I got the game for free when I bought my kid a ps4. Started it just because it was there but didn't seem like my thing. It was fantastic. Haven't played the 2nd yet but might based on this show and it bringing everything back. There is so much in the game that the show gets exactly right. A lot it doesn't and that's OK. But it is taking me back.
  17. You really want to tell me a psycho clown lives in the sewers?
  18. The way Offerman emptied that baggie.... he's a pro
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