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Everything posted by pops

  1. pops

    NFL Playoffs

    I know I'm the only one that cares, but it's been driving me nuts. The answer....leafblowers and a big fucking crew. https://twitter.com/eaglesfilmstudy/status/1617266779830587395?t=l-blqgZTUgpn_fC1URv5iA&s=19
  2. pops

    NFL Playoffs

    Just looks too consistent for shoveling but maybe? I know Lambeau is heated underneath but that is mainly to keep the root zone in growth temps until the end of the season.
  3. pops

    NFL Playoffs

    Dumb question... it's the field heated around numbers/lines/hashmarks?
  4. But have you been keeping safety in the back of your mind for a year?
  5. The montana stuff makes sense from all the mining that went on there. Hell.... you eat fresh water fish from butte or anaconda and you will probably shit pennies.
  6. That's all they produced in the affidavit to arrest him. I'll guarantee they have a shit ton more than that.
  7. He was pissed that you didn't give him the pleasure of saying "let's not tell your mom about this''
  8. Yeah. Want Bob to lose. Don't want to hear Bob on the bus. But someone might stab him after hearing his voice for 30 minutes so maybe it would work out.
  9. Picks with friends all comes down to this game. They had every pick the same so corby said fuck it and switched and took the chargers. One game for the bus.
  10. Then why were they following him across the country two weeks earlier? And from everything I've read, they got the familial DNA from the dads garbage, not a geneology website. Not saying the article is bullshit but doesn't add up to me.
  11. 101 south is open now from Santa barbara to ventura. 101 northbound is supposed to open in a couple hours. So if you decide to come you won't be stuck in LA.
  12. No clue how authentic it is, but it fucking slams https://www.thecookingguy.com/cookbook/2021/5/10/naan?rq=Naan
  13. He's just too busy watching all 22 with his big fucking sports brain to focus on spreads
  14. Yeah. Supposed to rain Sat and sun but it just keeps changing. 2 days ago Friday and Saturday were clear with a chance of rain Sunday. Now it's showing good until Friday evening then rain off and on Saturday. And again Sunday. @caltransd5 is the Twitter handle for the dot in this region and is giving decent updates.
  15. It's not bad now and supposed to be dryish for the next few days. 101 is still closed but it doesn't sound like there was any mud so I'm guessing it will reopen soon. I have some buddies that are planning on coming in to golf this weekend and they are in the same boat as you. Forecast keeps changing but it appears the worst is behind us. Just not sure how quick everything is going to open back up.
  16. Ha! Had no idea. Ty Warner is a weird cat. I've never stayed up in cambria but that's a good 2 to 2.5 hours north of Santa barbara. But if you're doing Hurst and paso Robles maybe morrow Bay would be good. I know there are good spots up there but I'm just not as familiar.
  17. The four seasons is definitely on the side of the nicer the better. But i love the fess Parker. I think it's called the Hilton beachfront or something like that now. Right on Cabrillo.
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