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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Craftywidget

  1. Colorado putting together a drive early in the 4th.
  2. USC seems content to go through the motions, content in the knowledge that Colorado's offense is horribly inept and retarded.
  3. I can't really tell if Colorado's offense is inept or if USC's defense is playing very well.
  4. Holy shit! USC Pick 6. 28-7 SC
  5. TD USC. 21-7 SC SC has really turned it around since the 1st quarter.
  6. Not the best pass, but effective. 14 -7 USC
  7. And the Trojans answer. JT Daniels has his moments.
  8. I am starting to get annoyed with PS Vue. It seems to rewind 2:00minutes at random. Good to see someone score. This game was becoming a snoozefest.
  9. NIce punt return for Colorado.
  10. I always felt that Texas - Colorado had the potential to become one of the great rivalries in college football. But sadly, it never came to pass.
  11. More from Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-10-09/new-evidence-of-hacked-supermicro-hardware-found-in-u-s-telecom This time with Supermicro hardware and an unnamed US telecommunications company.
  12. Nor was the stewardess that got sucked out of Aloha Airlines Flight 243 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aloha_Airlines_Flight_243
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