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Everything posted by bar

  1. I think this is why old aggy is calling them "woke" yell leaders lol
  2. I'd settle for not having to hear about Thompson's thumb or his first half against OU.
  3. They beat UNC when most of UNC's best players sat out for the draft.
  4. I don't know which one is funnier, this QB drill or the Evan Stewart blocking drill.
  5. The first RB was drafted in the 2nd round this year. RBs just aren't as valued in the NFL. I'm sure Bijan will be a first round pick, I dunno about Roschon being a day 1 pick unless he puts up crazy combine numbers.
  6. They also have the ones you can fry up yourself which are probably the closest thing to making em yourself.
  7. Collin Johnson was decent but not nearly as good as his father.
  8. I think they hand these out at fish camp
  9. To me, the issue has always been about the hypocrisy of the clear taunting being allowed and then seeing our guys flagged for taunting or excessive celebration. If it were up to me, I'd just let them all taunt and celebrate because it's fun to watch.
  10. I like using google flights explore to find cheap flights https://www.google.com/travel/explore?tfs=CBwQAxoaagwIAhIIL20vMDJkdGcSCjIwMjItMDctMTQaGhIKMjAyMi0wNy0xOHIMCAISCC9tLzAyZHRncAKCAQQIBxACQAFIAZgBAQ&tfu=GgA&tcfs=ChMKCC9tLzAyZHRnGgdEZXRyb2l0UgRgAXgB Go to Cali. Rent a convertible and drive the pch.
  11. Bro calm down. We need to source the jacket he was wearing first.
  12. Ah shoot, i thought the bandaids made it safe. I can't edit but reported to mods to edit. Sorry for the trouble.
  13. Are they doing this in response to UT Dallas doing better than all of their neglected satellite campuses?
  14. How many will be spelled correctly, though?
  15. Did some googling. Denver Harris is apparently his stepson. https://www.facebook.com/culottashow/videos/former-lsu-hooper-tack-minor-on-jimbo-fisher-coming-to-visit-his-5-star-cb-son-d/591410085272013/
  16. Was looking at athletic profiles of this year's NFL rookies and saw that Brenden Schooler was elite (athletically). He didn't seem to play all that fast though. https://ras.football/ras-information/?PlayerID=21344
  17. Aggy is probably demanding that the pod be Texas, A&M, Vanderbilt, and Prairie View.
  18. Learned it from Urban. After reading about his failed NFL experiment, I think we dodged a bullet there. I don't know if that type of coaching works in the age of the transfer portal.
  19. https://genius.com/24449063 I'm not quite sure how it applies to the Neyor transfer.
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