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Dark Horse

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Anyone going to make the 2025 thread? Or should we make a canned cocktail thread instead?
  2. Wow, it’s almost like he’s inconsistent and could lose or beat anyone.
  3. QB could have given more effort, wasn’t quite his all.
  4. Kirby with the “you can’t do that”
  5. Nitro Tuggle is a hell of a name.
  6. Do we need to make the Burt comment after every field goal?
  7. Damn, could be a big loss for UGA
  8. Hey, Big 12 refs can call a hold.
  9. Absolutely mugged the WR and no call.
  10. Is it? I feel like we got called for it earlier in the season but teams seem to do it all the time and not get called.
  11. I don’t think they need run Stockton.
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