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Dark Horse

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dark Horse

  1. Late to the party but holy shit the lisp. Stho sthupid https://m.soundcloud.com/bubbaprog3/2024-08-12-21-20-47a
  2. They still haven’t fixed Texas’ playbook in Road to CFP. I can’t use this dog shit A&M playbook.
  3. Begin production in 2025 means a 2026 release.
  4. I think they end with the hour of the wolf.
  5. 100% believe he thinks asylum seekers are from mental asylums.
  6. No, shortened due to budget cuts.
  7. So underwhelming, seems like they just cut off the last two episodes to get it to 8.
  8. Apparently parts of the finale have leaked, be safe out there illiterati.
  9. That was basically Bloodmoon right? They way GoT botched the white walkers, I am not surprised they went with dragons over white walkers.
  10. They mentioned that Daeron’s dragon Tessarion has taken to wing in the last episode. Finale preview trailer spoiler
  11. QB will only keep on read and glance RPOs.
  12. I don’t understand how to stop the pass. Maybe it’s because I’m on All American and my son is on freshman but god dammit.
  13. Thought it was just Xfinity, what a cluster fuck.
  14. That was definitely true for GoT but don’t think there is any dialogue in Fire and Blood.
  15. Uh, what? It’s about energizing independents and democrats to get out to vote. Maga will only vote for Dear Leader.
  16. Kamala seems like the only practical replacement, and I don’t think she wins PA, MI, and WI.
  17. Both can be true.
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