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Dark Horse

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dark Horse

  1. I mean all scoring plays are supposed to be reviewed, right? How tf did it take so long to signal for review?
  2. You’re fucking kidding me, this is not even close.
  3. That’s some ugly ass football, it’s a miracle it’s tied.
  4. Need a miracle stop, someone accidentally make a play.
  5. It’s a fucking algorithm, it doesn’t have eyes.
  6. So we’re going to get outplayed and out coached. Cool.
  7. Someone punch @immamac in the nuts and tell him to start the game thread.
  8. Dark Horse


    So they’re no longer hopeless?
  9. People really still think Les is coaching Kansas?
  10. What in the flying fuck is taking so long.
  11. Nerbraska’s oline is shittier than our’s last year.
  12. Jesus Card. If he’s too hurt to make that throw…
  13. Pussy ball any word on Ewers? I’m drunk
  14. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life.
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