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Dark Horse

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dark Horse

  1. We’re lacking talent but so is Baylor, oSu, etc.
  2. This is probably true, but it’s also the coaching.
  3. No shit, people losing their minds over one missed hold.
  4. Bro, refs don’t need to fix games against us. Give me a fucking break.
  5. Because they don’t commit penalties. I know it’s hard to fathom.
  6. Good teams play with discipline and don’t get stupid penalties shitty teams jump offsides and take delay of game penalties. but yes, it’s the refs fault we’re so shitty.
  7. We have three, what’s your point? how many holds have they called against Texas?
  8. They don’t jump offsides and take a delay of game out of a kick off.
  9. They may not want to play on a team that loses so much.
  10. Fucking please, any decent receiver makes that play for his QB.
  11. It’s the fucking Big 12, and we’re still crying about holding.
  12. They had zero penalties last week too. Good teams actually play with discipline.
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