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Doc Sam Beckett

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Everything posted by Doc Sam Beckett

  1. 28 yards passing for mizzou and 20 yards passing for osu
  2. Slap that sec logo in front and that's your #9 ranked team
  3. You will go to sleep, or mizzou and osu will put you to sleep! You're in their world now, grandma
  4. Might need to take a second out on the house and put it all on Bama. The Big 10 is fraudulent
  5. That's not even taking a chance. You can't let your dogshit quarterback throw it
  6. "Can you tell us about the heroic return at the end of the game that resulted in the injury?" I just knew I had to keep my quarterback off the field, so I laid it all on the line
  7. Someone is about to get Klubnik'd. Probably Clemson
  8. It's Cade. Fucking guy couldn't even hit his wide open first read for a touchdown. Waited three extra seconds for some reason. He's not a power five quarterback
  9. Cade Klubnik was sent by the Gamecocks to ruin Clemson football. Prove me wrong.
  10. You could try selling it to the Kentucky players. The way they are dancing after every play, it seems like they think Clemson is good
  11. Jfc Klubnik, fuck off back to Texas you G5 quarterback
  12. It was actually pretty good this year. Trotter and Wiggins declared and are probably the two most important players on the defense. Muk would also be starting, but he's in Austin now.
  13. "Future President Lincoln, we have a problem. These rednecks have such a powerful and hard charging economy, if we don't go down there and kick their asses, we will be ruined. They are poised to wipe out our economy somehow and for some reason. Oh and we also need you to impose a 57% export tax on states that have already seceded and formed their own country." - Lincoln advisor in 1860
  14. I can't imagine how much damage Fox has done being on in all the gyms, tire centers, dealerships etc etc. How the fuck did it get decided across the board that Fox is the default at every business with a TV?
  15. Why does it take so long for this jerkoff's throws to get to the target
  16. Cade looking sharp throwing at the knees of his 6'3" receiver
  17. I couldn't finish it, granted this was many moons ago, but I won't be trying it again. Side note, I just finished Black House a bit ago. I almost tapped immediately because of the weird narration, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Great book and ties in with the Dark Tower
  18. Ooohh what a nasty question. You're a nasty person, aren't you? That's okay. Look, this comes back to the absolutely corrupt DOJ led by sleepy Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. You don't ask the Democrats holding our country hostage these questions, do you? That's okay, just nasty.
  19. Love the side eye. My bestest bad boy loves giving me that look
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