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Posts posted by DFWTexEx

  1. I dream of living in small town in Mexico, maybe by or near a beach.

    But, I could never do it in Texas and probably not in the US.  I'd want a village like experience, not a place where the Dairy Queen is the center of social activity , however much I may like my Blizzards.

  2. The strange and equally annoying thing  is that as they have dumbed down the product, they spend so much more time on it.  It used to be that unless a major weather event was happening, the weather segment was 3-4 minutes or so around 15 minutes past 6 or 10, followed by sports.  Not, there is weather segment in the lead of the newscast and constant references to it.  At some point, Delkus launches into a lecture about some weather term..."hail is formed when water dropplets are caught in updrafts and this or that...look at these cool graphics". That goes on for a few minutes and then he goes into to the actual weather.  Pretty sure half the newscast is now weather.

  3. On 4/1/2018 at 10:59 PM, Caracara said:

    Hill Street Blues was a bfd in the day.  Groundbreaking, won a shitload of emmys, had an excellent cast.  I really liked it.  Didn't see much of LA Law and NYPD.

    I am the opposite.  I rarely saw Hill Street Blues, but loved and definitely tuned in for LA Law.  Arnie Becker for the win!


    Wasn't NYPD Blue the first to show naked butts on network TV in the context of actual sex?

  4. There is probably lots more to this story.  He was also kicked out of and sued by M group, which he also founded.  Talented guy, but lots of demons in that one.


    “He had everything, and everything going for him,” Dick Washburne says. “I mean, it’s really pathetic. Here is a guy who has real charisma. Everybody wants to love him. He has genuine talent and ability. And yet practically everything he touches he turns into a stake he’s trying to drive through his own heart.”


  5. On 3/28/2018 at 10:13 PM, DanRydell said:

    I went to Glass House Tavern last year before seeing Dear Evan Hansen and it was really good.

    We ended up doing a big lunch at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central and then went to Glass House for just drinks and a cheese plate before the show.  Great find.  Awesome service, good selection of everything.  We ended up going back after the show for a bottle of wine and more food.  It was odd that all the cheesy, touristy places were packed, but Glass House had tables both times.  Good call. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, Reynolds Woodcock said:

    Couple questions: (1) Are you set on eating in midtown near the theater? (2) Are you set on eating before the show at what will probably be like 5:30?  If you eat a mid-day snack, you could go out to a better restaurant at ~10:00 for a real meal. I know some people don't like to eat late, but this is what I always have my parents do when they visit. (3) Type of food and general budget? 


    (i)  Not set on eating in Theater District.   Don't mind a good walk or a reasonable cab / Uber ride so long as we get to theater by 7:30 to meet friends. 

    (ii) It will be a travel day, so we do need eat something before the show. 

    (iii) We are open to anything, but are thinking about small plates, tapas, etc.  Pretty adventurous eaters.  No real budget; happy to pay for something good and interesting. 


  7. I agree with much that has been said on here, but the video of the Ritz bar on NOLA is closest to what I do.  I wouldn't muddle an orange slice or anything like that, even a cherry, but I do had a sliver of orange peel in the cocktail.   The tiniest hint of orange makes the drink for me.  And I use bourbon.   

  8. I'agree with the sub-boards.

    Until then, here is my impression of Bouillon.

    It’s hard to review this place.  The food was wonderful, especially the two entrees (grouper and duck).  Both were as good as I would expect at a Michelin star restaurant, perfectly cooked with sophisticated, understated sauces.  The salmon rillettes were good, but I prefer the version at Bolsa.  The wine, all French, was very nice. 

    The room is beautiful.  It’s intimate, very stylish and old school –calling out to a yacht or cruise ship dining room.   The patrons fit the room.  The men were boring in their suits and blazers, but the fashion show of the women as they walked in, blowing kissing and waving to friends, was something else.  It’s quite the scene, even on a random Wednesday night.

    Our server was perfect.  Graceful, quiet and efficient.  I wish she would be my server every time I go out to eat.  On the other hand, the server for the nearby tables, was loud and obnoxious in detailing every element of every dish, without being asked.  It was amusing, however, hearing him describe the classic items on the classic French menu to a table of native French speakers, presumably from France. “Duck confit is……”

    I gotta say it was odd seeing the servers in jeans, simple white shirts and goofy bow ties.  The leather aprons were nice, but the overall look didn’t fit the special vibe of the room.  Maybe that’s peculiar to me because, at the prices, Bouillon will be a special occasion place for us. On the upside, the servers were all clean cut, nicely groomed, with all hair away from the face – a wonderful change of pace from the Oak Cliff server aesthetic that I see at even nice restaurants (other than Hattie’s and Lucia) that is more along the lines of: “I haven’t bathed in a few days, but my grungy look is cool and doesn’t affect the cleanliness of the food.  Trust me.”

    Overall, I’d go back for a dressy night out with friends.  It is definitely one of the special spots in Dallas.

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