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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. He's not humorous and his whole act regarding his late wife's book on the EAR/ONS/GSK, which isn't very good, is perverse and revolting, imo. She ain't all that. There's plenty of 50-ish women with better looks.
  2. We're on Entergy up here. They used to be less reliable (more and longer outages) than they've been the last several years. I noticed Entergy was out from North Conroe to South Huntsville along I-45 earlier - 4,000 homes out.
  3. No power loss in 77382/Sterling Ridge (so far). Rain's been alternating between light drizzle and blue blazes since mid-afternoon.
  4. Coming down hard in 77382, some thunder and lightning. Looks like it’ll be a 2-3 hour long soaker.
  5. Also not a concert but Will Sexton and Amy Lavere put on a show every Thursday at 2:00 PM CST. https://www.facebook.com/amy.lavere.1
  6. Not a concert, but Sue Foley and Mike Flanigin put on "Texas Blues Party" every Wednesday at 8:30 PM CST. Past shows are highly recommended. https://www.facebook.com/texasbluesparty/ Also not a concert, but Eve Monsees and Mike Buck /Eve and The Exiles put on a show every Thursday night at 7:00 PM. https://www.facebook.com/evemonsees
  7. John Bonham, Led Zeppelin, "Whole Lotta Love"
  8. Heisenberg

    Cut short

    Eddie Cochran. Big star by age 20, died in a car wreck at age 21. Hits covered by everyone - Elvis, Humble Pie, Led Zeppelin, The Who and on and on.
  9. Clarified that for you.
  10. It works great at HEB Pharmacy. HEB also has some similar arrangement that yields similar prices. In 2019 I was with United and goodrx or HEB's internal discount were always less cost than United. This year I am with AETNA and so far the AETNA prices have been lower than goodrx or HEB' internal. Based on last year's experience I check the various prices everytime.
  11. I've got a '16 Subaru with a CVT. At ~80,000 miles there have been no issues.
  12. They sure did. The late night menu on the Diamond General was excellent.
  13. Hide joint.
  14. Yes, on https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment . You know, it's like "check's in the mail", that sort of skeeving bum horseshit.
  15. They keep saying they are going to deposit some cash money in my bank account, but they don't say when. I'm thinking these are some deadbeat scumbag mooks we're dealing with.
  16. Bruin, Are you allowed to leave the port/marina (and return), or is it shut down? I would think a few hours under sail would be good for the soul.
  17. I won't be responding to the census. I haven't responded to one in 40 years. I call bullshit on that noise.
  18. (1) Morning of the tweet - "certain types" are tipped of the upcoming tweet. (2) "Certain types" go long on oil. (3) Tweet appears, oil goes up 25%, "certain types" make a 25% gain in less than one trading session. (4) "Certain types" know it's all bullshit, and will collapse soon, so they short oil, and wait until the bullshit is acknowledged by the market, and make a huge profit when it falls. It is just that simple. This sort of thing is often the purpose of the tweets.
  19. https://www.ukgser.com/forums/showthread.php/509337-3D-printer?p=5647925&viewfull=1#post5647925 This faceshield frame was made on a 3D printer.
  20. I see Amazon has them. What I want is a full length clear faceshield. The eyes are a route for pathogens - always moist and surrounded by one's sinuses.
  21. As soon as the markets realize that it was all just trump running his mouth and nothing real the $20 WTI / $10 Midland prices will return.
  22. It was very good. I only went there every few years. The last time I was there I had a reservation on a Saturday night, we arrived on time, and they told me that there would be a 30 minute wait, and we were welcome to wait in the bar. I reminded them that they had my phone number and could have called. We were seated about 5 minutes later. The 30 minute ruse was a bullshit method of selling more margaritas. I'd compare the quality and scene favorably with Javier's in Dallas or Armando's in Houston. All muy bueno. So is the Dart Bowl Cafe.
  23. Where? I'll buy some right now if you'll post a source.
  24. gunbroker.com has quite a few H&K Mark 23's for sale, including at least 1 NIB. There's a NIB pair with consecutive numbers. I bought mine new through gunbroker 7 years ago for $1750. I also have a Silencerco suppressor for it. Shoots very, very nicely.
  25. I'll wear a mask if I live long enough for them to become available.
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