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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Don't take another job in E&P unless you want to get laid off again. The older you get, the harder it will be to find that next job, and/or the harder it will be to make a transition to another industry. And parents: DO NOT allow your children to seek petroleum engineering degrees when the next boom occurs and enrollment surges because there is a shortage of petroleum engineers at that time and it once again becomes the highest paying BS degree. People about to graduate this year entered during 2016 prices, there were jobs then, but now in 2020, it will be a rarity for any BSPE graduate to find a job in O&G. It is no way to live, up and down at the whims of a market driven by scum like MBS and Putin, and living on savings between jobs. BTDT, recently retired from it. Fuck that noise.
  2. No, Houston private with lots of little interests, including ORRI's, maybe 500 properties in that PDP PV(10%) of $15MM at $50/BO. Properties are mostly West Texas and Delaware New Mexico with other interests in E. Texas, NW Louisiana, OK, CO, WY, ND. I'm just wondering how long before the bank moves on the collateral at $20-25/BO.
  3. Is anyone riidng? I haven't since two Sundays ago, but sure have the itch to ride now that the weather is favorable. I live a 10 minuta ride from being out in the country, and want to ride. I noticed in my car Monday that the asewholeness of many drivers is way enhanced, by the current situation. Im thinking I'll ride next week.
  4. A question for upstream oil and gas commercial bankers - How long will the banks let a small private company with a now way underwater loan go before dropping the hammer and cleaning the mess up? I'm thinking of small borrowers, specifically one I'm familar with who had something like an all-PDP PV(10%) (no PDNP or PUD's) of $15MM at ~$50/bo , now much less at $25/bo, and always is fully drawn with only $50,000/month of principal reductions in place.
  5. Bread seems to be an issue. Tomatoes have been impossible to find in The Woodlands. This based on one visit each mid last week to HEB and Whole Paycheck. I put in two tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets on my back porch as a result. I'll wait 10-15 days more before I mess with the stores again. I'm single and well stocked. I appreciate the tip about ground beef around ~11:00 AM at HEB. i think everything is going to worsen this coming week - Covid19 virus up, markets down, societal pain/anxieties up, panic buyin/hoarding up. This kind of resembles the prologue of The Road Warrior, the second Mad Max movie, they talk about how the "leaders" talked and talked, without action, while things melted down.
  6. Fuck trump. Fuck Pence.
  7. Rand Paul pre-Covid 19: piece of shit Rand Paul w/ Covid 19: piece of shit Fuck Rand Paul
  8. Coming down hard in the 77382.
  9. G650, does the mast stay up while your boat is ashore? Is there much service and maintenance after a race?
  10. Fall 2020 is way too early for me to come out of lockdown.
  11. I'm no one's agent. You're right, my statement was too weak. I didn't accurately relate my disgust with O'Brien and Bob's boy in suitable venomous bile or bilious venom or both. The Texans have had nothing but shit coaches and shit owners and shit management since they started up. They have ruined and wasted the careers of many great athletes with their incompetence. tl;dr Fuck Bill O'Brien and Cal McNair
  12. $99,999K = $99,999,000 So ChiTownDoc and G650 will get stiffed. My hemorrhoids bleed for them.
  13. $400 - weed. $600 - rainy day fund.
  14. If you read the sources I mentioned, you would know the exact date that Champ took over. I'd like to see it become "Dozier's Country Market and Deer Processing featuring Buck's Barbecue" and I believe I will live to see it. I hope the fancy plates and table service don't make it back; I'm more of a order in line and butcher paper type Q consumer.
  15. You need to read the whole story here and even on texasmonthly.com and chron.com. As I understand it, Champ serving Buck's Q at Dozier's is not the gig. Champ running the whole Dozier operation and maintaining and improving the Dozier's Q is the gig. I've been eating at Dozier's for over 42 years. I'll eat at Dozier's all I can manage while keeping my eyes and ears open for the next opportunity to eat Buck's Q.
  16. Bill O'Brien: mediocre coach, incompetent general manager. Cal McNair: son of the previous incompetent owner, even less capable than his daddy. Is in his current job only because mommy owns the team. The Texans will never be competitive until they are sold to a new owner who will clean house and institute a complete rebuild.
  17. In the spring of 1966 Billy Gibbons' high school band played in the lunch area of Landrum Junior High in Spring Branch. I was already into good guitar slingers and Billy really stood out. When I told my older brother about it he dismissed them as a cover band. I told him that yes, they played covers, but that the guitar player was something special. in the fall of 1973 ZZ Top in the OKC symphony auditorium was the first concert I attended. The acoustics were perfect and they were incredibly good. Great songs played by great musicians who put out a great sound and knew how to work an audience. i've seen them lots of times and they always put on a great show. Billy is in the very highest echelon of guitar players, imo. Frank and Dusty are a premier bass/drum section.
  18. Trump has lied all day, every day. Why would there even be a question of whether or not he lied tonight?
  19. No, he never was, and never will be, in any way presidential.
  20. Sounds like there is a case in Fort Bend County, a 70 year old who recently travelled. I mentioned last week that I was avoiding any travel to Sugar Land. I thought that the first case would come from there or the Bellaire Blvd./Beltway 8 area. tl;dr It’s here.
  21. Chacho's on Westheimer is safe enough. I wouldn't recommend any place within a few miles radius of the Gunspoint/Aldine/Northline area.
  22. I’m avoiding travel to Sugar Land like the plague.
  23. House of Pies Spanish Flowers Chachos
  24. Best of luck at Dozier’s, Champ. This is great news. I’ve always liked that place, it was in my regular rotation for years when I worked in Sugar Land. I’ll be returning very soon.
  25. You'd lose that bet. I never cut in a line, but I will and do go chemical on a plane.
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