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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. I figured we'd have American troops fighting alongside Russia within a year. That timeline sure is getting compressed in a hurry.
  2. The Comptroller is taking over aggy. It'll be interesting to see which mouth breather Abbott appoints as the interim to fuck up one of the few state agencies that is largely apolitical. Putting a MAGA disciple in charge of what is effectively the bank of Texas for a few months can't have any negative effects, right?
  3. The Washington Generals of political parties. JFC.
  4. Hot Wheels has already banned Trans Siberian Orchestra from Texas.
  5. I moved half of my retirement to gold (GLD) a week ago. That's had a slight profit since then. It'll stay stable or increase unless the nukes drop. This week, I moved another 25% to Fidelity's money market account (SPAXX) that is returning 4.x%. I'm okay with that return for 2025. I have roughly 20% in the S&P 500 (FXAIX) and 5% still in tech (VGT). I was in FXAIX & VGT for over 15 years with no complaints. I was hoping to stay in that mix for 6 more years until retirement.
  6. The Hobby Building had a major rat infestation. It was so bad you couldn't leave food on your desk because rats would come out during the workday for a snack. When my wife quit working in that building, she brought home her little dorm fridge she kept in her office and there were two dead rats under it.
  7. Yeah, a republican who won't publicly say he's a republican, running as a democrat. That's a recipe for winning.
  8. I moved half my retirement to GLD. This is the first time in 15+ years I haven't been either 100% in the S&P 500 or a 70% S&P 500 and 30% VGT split.
  9. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Why do we insist on having Wolff handle corners? He’s absolutely terrible at it.
  10. How on earth would they know someone stole Tylenol?
  11. Are those teacher raises actually funded? I thought I read something that the fine print is that it allows districts to give those raises but they mostly have to pay for it out of existing funding.
  12. It’s unfortunate for America that the president that has kept more of his campaign promises than any other president is Trump.
  13. Grad schools are slowing down admissions since they don’t know how funding will shake out. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/science-research-policy/2025/02/25/facing-nih-cuts-colleges-restrict-grad-student
  14. Some Russian Oligarchs are gonna want to get on the action here.
  15. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Should’ve been 3-0. I thought we looked a lot better than last year but still a lot of room for improvement.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/@BillyCorganTMO He just started this podcast interviewing music industry pros. Say what you want about Corgan, but he is a shockingly good interviewer.
  17. Looks like it also limits you to 10 years for the free tier. Of the two, I would join the Portfolio Visualizer and do the 14 day free trial. That's plenty of time to run through a bunch of scenarios.
  18. Yep. You can set reinvesting, cashing it in, withdrawing a fixed amount or percentage, etc. Portfolio Visualizer is more detailed and the best but they ruined the interface so us long time users don't like it. If you haven't seen the old version if it then you'll probably love it. PV will now only back test 10 years without a paid subscription so just be aware that it won't cover all major events in the back testing.
  19. Go to either https://portfoliometrics.net/ or https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio#analysisResults and enter what you own. You can then back test how that portfolio has performed historically. You can set up withdrawing dividends or withdrawing a percentage or fixed amount monthly/annually and see how it performs. You may realize that you can cash flow a healthy amount of extra income without needing to sell all of it at once and take a big tax hit. Of course, back testing doesn't predict the future but it's about the best tool available for the average person.
  20. Yesterday, the Couch Fucker did say a federal abortion ban is coming.
  21. Does it lead to South Austin's mom's bedroom?
  22. I thought the Fleshlight was manufactured in Austin.
  23. Well, special education is currently on the chopping block so public school won't be providing that service either. Look at all the money saved!
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