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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Whether it’s Tech defense or coeds, it’s easy to score.
  2. Royal Blood at one of the Moodys. I don’t get why they’re not one of the biggest rock bands in the world. They only play absolute bangers. Hot Wax opened and they were good if a bit stereotypical for a modern indie band.
  3. Tonight we watched Raiders of the Lost Ark. The 11 YO loved it. She only knew Indy from the Disney rides. A couple of funny things stood out… Marion “I was a child! What you did was wrong!” Indy “You knew what you were doing.” Alright, Pedophile Jones, that was awkward. I also got a chuckle out of the first fight in Cairo. All the extras that are killed first get up and roll out of the way of the next wave of attackers. Dude, you were impaled straight through with a sword. You shouldn’t be getting up. I was so proud my daughter recognized the Wilhelm Scream in the truck scene. She instantly said “I heard that before. I didn’t know it was from this movie!” I then had to explain the history of the Wilhelm Scream.
  4. Did they run a DNA analysis on the feces in question? Did the officer record video of the alleged crime?
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/s/nMe77i4iIm
  6. Nothing would blow up the playoff picture like Iowa winning the B10 title. I’m here for it.
  7. My kid wanted to watch A League of Their Own. I’d never seen it before. This must’ve been right when Tom Hanks learned to act. He’s terrible in the first half of the movie poorly portraying a drunk but he’s good in the second half. Overall, it’s fine I guess. Anything with Jon Lovitz has to dig itself out of a hole. He’s terrible.
  8. I saw a Cybertruck on 183 yesterday. It had an old school black farm truck bumper on the back to make it street legal. Thought that was on brand.
  9. It needs to be in front of one of those pallets of cash from the gulf war we used to pay off warlords.
  10. Spy Game. Surprisingly, I’d never seen this movie. It was okay. Script is clunky but pretty typical for its era. Some of the plot made zero sense. Example: there’s a battle raging throughout the city. Sheik: “MOVE UP MY ANNUAL PHYSICAL! I MUST HAVE IT WITHIN THE HOUR!”
  11. The one criteria in our favor is that we would have higher TV ratings than any other team in contention for the playoffs. That will outweigh any other factor.
  12. I’ve seen Deap Vally a few times and they’re my daughter’s favorite band. They’ve always put on a good show. When my kid was in 5th grade she submitted a photo of herself with the band to her school yearbook and it got published. Julie is wearing a marijuana leaf stage outfit and Lindsay is holding a Miller Lite. Still gives me a laugh years later.
  13. Just got out of the Marvels. Felt like a Made for TV movie. There are some noticeable continuity errors due to so many scenes being cut. I did fall asleep a couple of times. Those new seats at the Village Alamo are too comfy and recline a bit too far.
  14. Are you sure it’s not waterproof enough? It’s not Sheetrock under the tile like in America.
  15. If they can make that selection, they will. It was an argument for going to 4 teams but I don’t think we have ever actually gotten a playoff with the 4 champions from the 4 biggest conferences.
  16. We won the last SWC title and the first B12 title. We will win the last B12 title and the first new SEC title. Fight me.
  17. Maybe a bit excessive. https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/s/86mvGt1sNL
  18. Maybe a bit excessive. https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/s/86mvGt1sNL
  19. I liked Foul Play and Modern Problems but I haven’t seen either since I was probably 15.
  20. This is excellent. 5 years ago, who would’ve thought that the Godzilla-Kong universe would pump out better TV shows than Marvel but here we are.
  21. Ugh. Totally meant to post that in the YouTube cooking channels thread. Too lazy to move it.
  22. If you’re willing and able to give great head, the world is your oyster. Just check out the Demi thread.
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