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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Devils advocate…what’s the average number of hours worked by that 87%? I’d bet there’s a huge number of SAG cardholders that work less than 200 hours a year. Maybe set the threshold at like 1,000 hours, which is just half time for a normal job.
  2. Pepper Potts has an iron man suit. Ant Man and the Wasp. Spider-Man. Dr Strange. Shuri. Fury has the Captain Marvel summoning device. Any of those is better than calling lame ass Sam.
  3. Does the strike affect British production? Obviously many actors would be SAG members but is the strike only against US studios?
  4. Prior to D+, we bought Disney movies on Amazon VOD for the kids to watch and download for plane rides. I totally forgot about that until now.
  5. They like to watch their porn at full volume and forget to turn down the volume. Shit happens, you prude.
  6. Yep. Walking around I aim way more for the shade than I do in Austin. Even in the sun the breeze is cool so it’s crazy how much the sun intensity affects it. I’ve been to Colorado a dozen times but this may be the first time in July.
  7. Spent last week visiting friends in Ohio and it was a high of 82. It was really comfortable. I’m currently sitting outside in Fort Collins CO and it’s the hottest 81 degrees I’ve ever experienced. The sun is so intense compared to Austin.
  8. This is what happened when our company split. The two companies were each maybe 70% and 30% of the old stock price. So, we kept 70% of the former company and 30% of the new company.
  9. Austin ISD can just Robin Hood my property tax money right the fuck out to these ungrateful shitholes. My kid's high school (McCallum) just hasn't had AC in half the school for 15 years and has raccoons regularly falling out of the ceiling during class. Nothing to see here.
  10. It's anecdotal but my high schooler doesn't really know any teens that drink. Sure, some have a beer here or there but there's no getting drunk at all among her high school peers. However, about 80% smoke weed. If that's the pattern everywhere, alcohol companies are gonna be in a world of hurt when a generation gets over 21 and doesn't drink like previous generations.
  11. Venmo has a $5,000 transaction limit. Clarence certainly is a low rent whore.
  12. Legal weed is the looming big killer of all varieties of alcohol.
  13. Prove it was on an Amazon wish list and not just purchased from Amazon.
  14. Aggy straight up told her that alums would have her fired for being a black woman with a background in diversity/minority journalism? Who the fuck would even entertain a job offer in that toxic environment?
  15. The He Gets Us campaign is by the group Ted Cruz's dad is in...Dominion? or something. Basically, off the rail lunatics wanting their flavor of religion to rule all governments.
  16. 28 cooler brands compared. TLDW: Orion, Cabella's, Orca, and Otterbox all lasted 9 days. Yeti and RTIC lasted 7 days.
  17. I rewatched MI6 last night. I remembered nothing about it other than Rebecca Ferguson is smoke. I can't tell you anything about 1-5 either. These movies are completely enjoyable and completely forgettable at the same time. I did like that they have all this info they couldn't possibly have to just move the plot from A to B and they then reference this with Tom asking smokeshow "who told you this?!?!?" "I CAN'T TELL YOU!!!"
  18. Just got back from visiting friends that live in Avon Lake west of Cleveland. It was a high of 82 every day and they don't get lake effect snow on the west side. It's a shame such a nice area is ruined by only having access to Cleveland. It is a jarring reminder of the difference in cost of living every time we visit. They have a 4,000 sq foot house with an additional 2,000 sq ft finished basement, 3 acres, pool and they paid $800,000 (650 for the house and 250 for a new kitchen addition). Compared to my 1,850 sq ft shitbox appraised above $1M.
  19. 1981 was very solid for popcorn flicks: Raiders of the Lost Ark The Evil Dead Porky's Excalibur Clash of the Titans Escape from New York An American Werewolf in London Stripes Das Boot The Road Warrior Time Bandits Blow Out For Your Eyes Only Heavy Metal Chariots of Fire Scanners The Fox and the Hound History of the World: Part I Arthur Dragonslayer
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