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  1. Taaffe is a baller and great kid. Wish him the best.
  2. Cajun brined Butterball breast clean hot fire on offset cooked in a foil pan on a rack with a little water underneath covered with another foil pan offset 90 degrees to allow in limited smoke and keep skin lighter After the skin sets a little, brushed with softened unsalted butter flip 2/3 of cook and do the other side same way pull at no more than 155
  3. been a long time since I have been to Vegas, we're going next weekend for George/Chris is the rodeo really worth attending (been to Houston and SA)? or is Eagles, at twice the price, at the Sphere, a better call? I made reservations at Edge Steakhouse (Westgate), Mastro's Ocean Club and Joe Vicari's Andiamo Italian Steakhouse (will be downtown to roll some dice)....anyone have anything good or bad on those 3?
  4. the lot was moved further to discourage hikers to Cattail Falls but you do not have to park on Ross Maxell
  5. Yes. That’s why you leave a car at the parking lot on oak springs road, then drive up to the basin, hike down to the window, and double back just a bit and take oak spring down to your car. Lots of downhill hiking
  6. I still remain confident I could have gotten her off given the unique circumstances of her case. Her attorney was average at best.
  7. There will be far more details in the PD/Ranger offense reports than in a PC affidavit.
  8. A search warrant can be sealed under Texas CCP ch 18. An arrest warrant under Texas CCP 15 cannot. It was an error to seal it in the first place. So it was unsealed.
  9. My bad, judge unsealed it today, not sure why. but Company F of the Texas Rangers ain’t fucking around
  10. Sealed PC affidavit for murder warrant leaked. Reading now, will comment later. https://news4sanantonio.com/resources/pdf/6ec07e5c-2dd4-44a0-8862-c7927788dc8f-engineeringkabb.com_20241112_181522.pdf
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