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4th and 5

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Everything posted by 4th and 5

  1. I think the under is the play this weekend. Bout to find out.
  2. needs to be shopped to fuck arOUnd find oUT
  3. fake lemons, candy jar empty, WNB
  5. Followed up with Hall’s Cophouse and The Ordinary, both were excellent dinners. Brunch was at 82 Queen and Poogan’s Porch. Midday oysters at the Darling were damn good Plantation tour was cool.
  6. OL play is abysmal and how is it so obvious that we should bring pressure????? WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING
  7. Callie’s little biscuit for breakfasr walking tour Wild Dunes- Links course is awesome NICO in Mount Pleasant is 5⭐️ Raw. Grilled. Scallop ceviche. Lobster roll. Mussels
  8. High Cotton. Mussels were amazing. Lobster, calamari, Caesar Golf: Links at Stono Ferry happy hour: Pearlz is great
  9. The amount of hot ass here is quite impressive
  10. Do you even culpable mental state, bro? Yes, yes you do.
  11. I'd pay to watch a 20 minute walk through
  12. Probably got stopped for speeding by DPS, they are prohibited from not arresting for weed, whereas other agencies might just kick it into the dirt and write a ticket for PDP. Hopefully Van Zandt county is class + hours + clean UA = deferred disposition on a PDP
  13. Ruger 10-22T in laminate, mine drives tacks with just the cheap Remington Golden Bullet ammo, it'll be a little long and heavy now but your kid will be 6 feet tall in a few years
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