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4th and 5

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Everything posted by 4th and 5

  1. yeah, take that shit to the basketball board
  2. You could book a guide 300 times and have money left over
  3. P's should have objected more. Reynal is so easy to get off his game. Agreed. Not a fan of the Ps presentation. But damn, Reynal is a shitty lawyer.
  4. That compound objection ought to do the trick!
  5. STCL IN THE COURTHOUSE!! it’s referred to law enforcement for prosecution I’d give up my bad card for a year in exchange for a day with Jones on the stand.
  6. Do these clowns ever shower? run a comb thru their hair? own a shirt with a collar?
  7. FN 509 Tactical FDE acquired for free
  8. herb garden tomato 🍅 about to go in: early girl, tycoon, celebrity
  9. Can we just run the "Woodard-Hampton-Rogers-Humphrey-Redding is not good enough to start" defense? Whatever that was, let's do that.
  10. She will be found to be incompetent again. Hopefully she will be committed this time. The problem may be what she did is just a minor felony (Deadly Conduct - Discharge Firearm) and can’t be committed that long. Maybe the feds can get her on something more serious.
  11. the thought of Scaife/Thomas/Finley level tight end play makes me want to touch myself
  12. No time in Sac, all that in Healdsburg, hit the Russian River, Bodega Bay, Dry Creek, etc.
  13. Not for the squeamish, media from thequalifiedcaptain https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgSYPY-B_0b/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  14. I Can’t Tell You Why might be my favorite Eagles song Nice bull
  15. Yes. You missed class. A lot, apparently.
  16. Y'all remember, if you can get it through, you don't necessarily need a tool to cut the hook - if you don't have a tool to cut the hook, smashing/breaking/filing down the barb and backing it out also works.
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