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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by millhouse

  1. I hope this game goes to like 5 OTs and ends 9-7
  2. So it will be a come and go between both venues and wristbands work for booze at both?
  3. We take urban sprawl to the max, but the road system for the most part does a really good job of keeping traffic flowing. Ofcourse I am way out east so there is never any traffic for me. what part of chandler? I contine to be impressed with what they have done in Downtown Gilbert. If scottsdale was a bottle blonde with fake tits, downtown Gilbert is turning into that same chick after she gets divorced and is going through a milf'y phase
  4. Looks like the toy needed assault to go along with the batteries
  5. So if we have a coach leave can gary Patterson come back to break down film and help with the game plan? Just for the playoffs
  6. I'm going to choose to belive it is Anthony Hill and he is about to feast
  7. Part of me thinks mack will puss out on getting the mayo bath
  8. Jack Plummer deserves the MVP of this game, holy shit
  9. I saw better offensive and defensive production at my 6 year old's basketball game this morning
  10. Seriously, Louisville HAS to be taking one for the ACC here
  11. I'm sure I have but it certainly wasn't for a conference championship
  12. Louisville is fixing this game, change my mind
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