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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by millhouse

  1. 2 min drill for hawaii, they've already covered, LFG!!! Annnnnndddd INT hahaha
  2. This is what we've trained for. Time to get rip roaring drunk watching the 4th quarter of a meaningless late night game!
  3. That's PI if he even attempts to catch the ball
  4. I dunno about that. These dudes are still alive.
  5. We were in the same boat and were looking at the Tahoe and the Expedition. Ford was doing 0.9/1.9/2.9 for 36/48/60 month financing. That was way lower than anything else so we went with the expedition. No mark up, even was under MSRP. We're in AZ though.
  6. Social media is the downfall of society. Gotta be the first to break, or you don't get the clicks you are looking for. That's why i come here for all my news
  7. Bring that to a surly tailgate and it feeds 4-8 people
  8. So apparently there is another American Gladiators documentary with basically all the other Gladiators that weren't in the 30for30 (except Gemini is in both)
  9. Did they break your guitar?
  10. Dino nugget, tossed in Frank's red-hot, served on leftover half of burger bun
  11. Out number 3, lost in the lights, celebrating like a 3 run jack
  12. That walk means nothing. Threw some good pitches
  13. Hahaha they almost fucked themselves pretty hard
  14. Seriously, do we not teach 2 strike hitting?
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