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  1. They are going to win 7 games and finish tied for 2nd in the West. We are going to win 8 games, and then win the Big 12 Championship game. They are going to argue that theirs is the better accomplishment.
  2. Probably not. He will probably wait to see every single result come in, and with mail ballots being such a thing in this election probably say something incredibly stupid about- muh people, we are going to win the mail in vote bigly, this thing isn’t over. Mans he will then do the most tactless, charmless scumbag thing when all the votes are counted and look to burn the thing down on the way out the door. And might even file some absurdly frivolous lawsuits because he is, wait for it, a total and complete piece of shot that’s deluded and lives in his own reality. But the idea that he’s going to stage a coup or have to be frog marched out of there is not going to happen
  3. So this offsets global warming?? WE ARE GOING TO WIN /snacks
  4. well, damn... I've been letting us down... i need to eat a lot more.... a lot more. we are going to win.
  5. The most important thing is....the streak still lives and we are going to win the league
  6. Coronavirus is bad, but we are going to focus a lot of our attention on the drug war, we are going to pick up where Nancy Reagan left off, we are going to win it this time, 40 years later. What a fucking joke. How about start by taking down some of pharma companies that are the #1 drug dealers in the world.
  7. If we wasn't going to win Michigan already, this clip will seal it. This is Joe's best look.
  8. Donald Trump and "the Republicans" are not the same thing. That's like conflating Barack Obama with "the Democrats" as Obama's popularity stayed high and Democrats at large lost 1000 seats nationwide. DONALD TRUMP GETS AWAY WITH FUCKING EVERYTHING. Wake up. He's an absolute criminal who couldn't be convicted if he shot someone on 5th avenue. He already said that. He told us already and he's spent 5 years living it out in our faces. We aren't going to win by pulling the god damned mask off at the end of the Scooby Doo episode and surprising the audience with "OH HE WAS A LIAR ALL ALONG!". The audience already knows, he took the mask off himself and is dancing around with it. The court jester isn't insightful because he's respected and noble, he's insightful because he has abandoned his own pretense and he rips away the pretense of his target. Cool, and ... what? It beams into the skulls then ... what? No you've got competing clips of both guys saying they're going to cut SS/Medicare and now Biden is in the mud with Trump where Trump is a 5th dan red belt and Biden doesn't know who his wife is. Biden will need to run a campaign with hard, tangible, simply offers to the types of voters Trump is going to target. Not vague bullshit about decency and getting things done, but "I am going to give you this specific healthcare plan and I am going to take your medical and student debt away". Specific, tangible, and meaningful offers. The people need someone to vote for, not just "this guy is mean you can't vote for him!"
  9. We weren't going to win them all and both prizes are still there. All the undefeated talk was very USC 2005 and the undefeated regular season Patriots like. Couple this with adversity in the UCL and this might be the exact wake up call that the players and staff need to finish strong. They can't rest on their laurels. They're going to get everyone's best now. The good thing is it's a short week with Chelsea in the FA Cup on Tuesday and then back home for Bournemouth. But if you look at the last two, what was missing? Hendo. Maybe I'm wrong with who stirs the drink. Maybe, it's Hendo.
  10. Well obviously the Brown family is full of losers. Why else would you want to hitch your wagon to a loser? If losing Brown is a condition of losing Shaka, oh well. Shit not like we were going to win anything with them both here.
  11. @Snacks said we are going to win. Maybe the Brocks didn’t get the memo.
  12. People who think like that aren’t going to vote for a democrat when push comes to shove. Can vote for Bernie, he’s a “socialist”. Can’t vote for Warren, she’s a woman. Can’t vote for Joe, he’s “corrupt like Obama”. Can’t vote for Yang, he’s “oriental”. Seriously, I do NOT like Pete but this handwringing that “moderate olds” might not vote for him because of his sexuality is bullshit because anyone who that would be an issue for is NEVER VOTING FOR A DEMOCRAT NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY IN PUBLIC. Democrats weird need to try and be all things to all people - even shitty people - needs to stop. Stop trying to convert the unconvertable. Stop trying to persuade the unpersuadeable. We aren’t going to win by bending over backwards for these mythical moderate boomers. We win by turning non-voters into voters. Fuck the “moderates who are sick of Trump”. If they haven’t already quit the Republican Party in disgust then guess what? THEY ARE NOT REALLY MODERATES AND THEY AREN’T REALLY SICK OF TRUMP. And there’s like, 5,000 of those mythical people anyway so they aren’t worth the bother. There the same type of people as posters who drive by post here and say “Oh you Democrats aren’t going to nominate who I like so you’re forcing me to vote for Trump again”! Those people are lying. There’s no one Democrats can nominate to convert them - they just say that to justify their support of a fascist shithead.
  13. Fuck fake catharsis through symbolic but meaningless action. Someone worth a damn needs to take control of the Democratic Party if we are going to win this war.
  14. This is like every game against WVU. We are going to win and all I can do is sit here shaking my head fuming because this kind of basketball pisses me off so much. Pack up your fucking Twinkies and get the fuck out of town, Bob, you fat tub of shit.
  15. Best off-season thread ever. We are going to win.
  16. Best off-season thread ever. We are going to win.
  17. klopp: what we have to do, what we let them do special1: we are going to win this game
  18. Trump is strong and very popular among his base. He is going to turn out a HUGE number of voters. We are going to win on enthusiasm and voter turnout. We need the black vote to be at Obama levels again. We need young people to show up. We need the Hispanic vote. We need a coalition to fight the white tide. So while I would agree that Joe is a safe-ish pick for simply winning the election, I am ~*cOnCeRnEd*~ about the complete lack of enthusiasm towards him from the populace. It just feels like he's a stagnant thing that won't be able to build real momentum and he'd be going up against an extremely dynamic personality and voter base in the general. Are odds good that Joe could just hold the line and win a war of attrition against Donald? Yes Are odds good that Joe will ignite a passionate wave of voter enthusiasm that will not only win the election but bring in the power necessary to Congress to enact real change? Ehhhhhhhhhh
  19. Facetious apathy is motto worthy. We are going to win.
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