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  1. We are going to win and head into Bowl season with some MOMENTUM
  2. our downfall perfectly coincided with 2 things: 1) the launch of LHN 2) @Snacks starting We are Going to Win threads these are facts.
  3. I agree with this. We have to run the play, because goddamit, it's the right thing to do. You remember To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch tried one HELL of a case. He was right. Tom Robinson was innocent. He deserved acquittal, and justice. But Atticus knew -- like we know now -- that the jury would never do justice. He knew the whole time. He knew from opening statement to closing argument. He knew that the facts and evidence didn't matter. The jury was going to do what it was going to do. The reader knows that it's a great wrong. The reader wants Atticus to win, but knows all along that he surely won't. Atticus offered some wisdom that fits the current circumstances: We the People are going to take the L on this one.....because the party in power has something between them and reason (power, greed, venality). And they couldn't be fair if they tried. We aren't going to win. But we're going to write the book. Because maybe someday, there will be people who read it and are as disgusted by wrongdoing as they should be. And shit, write the book for no other reason than that it's more wrong than to just go along and allow an unjust result without even putting up a fight.
  4. Thought for sure we were going to win until that third down call. Understanding running on second, but that third down call was straight stupid. Took the air out of the ball and just self destructed. Dak was dialed and dealing. Fuck me. Good win, Minny. Very entertaining game.
  5. I remain convinced that we arent going to win a game the rest of the year.
  6. We are going to win. I don't know exactly how it will go down or who will be the hero, but we. are. going. to. win.
  7. 1. We are going to win 2. It has been a great pleasure with y'all this season 3. If we don't win we got Lil Shep as our ace in the hole for next year
  8. We weren’t going to win 2-1 so maybe our batters will get their heads out of their asses
  9. That and Snacks also keeps posting that "We are going to win" shit every season
  10. Time to stop jacking around and fuck these yahoos up. We are going to WIN!!
  11. We. Are. Going. To. WIN. God dammit.
  12. These are always fun to read https://www.bloggingtheboys.com/2019/10/21/20924591/trolling-the-nation-for-eagles-cowboys-i-thought-doug-said-we-were-going-to-win click the link for all the responses as the game went on
  13. We not only lost the line of scrimmage battle we were out coached. You do that and you are going to lose most games. Unlike the LSU game where I felt like we had a chance to win all the way to the end, after about 5 minutes in to the OU game I really didn't think we were going to win that game. It was a hard game to watch.
  14. If we are going to win Sam has to play like the quarterback at the end of last year, and against LSU
  15. I am so fucking nervous. Have more nerves for this game than the ALCS and WS elimination games in 2017. We are going to win and La Pina will have a huge game.
  16. Accurately predicting who is going to win this game rarely happens. Especially this time, I feel it is all bluster and hot air on either side if they do. The teams are to closely matched and there are a ton of factors that will decide how this game goes outside of X and O's and talent. In 2005 one just knew Texas was going to win and that is the only year this century there was no doubt. We will not know how it is going to go until we find out the following: 1) Who comes out with the higher sense of urgency? 2) Is their in obvious team that is coming out with a much bigger chip on their shoulder and hitting the other harder in the mouth? 3) Who wants it more on that day? 4) Are there unforced errors that just change the whole game? Both teams have staffs that can put together a game plan and make the adjustments that can win. Both teams have the talent and pressure to win. My gut tells me with a great deal of certainty that we are going to win. I have not felt this way since 2009 but it is just a feeling. Logically, I just need to sit back and watch as the game starts getting settled on the field. If 1, 2 and 3 are on the side of Texas all we have to do is avoid #4 and we come away with a victory.
  17. I received a good omen this morning. We are going to win.
  18. Fondren, you post good stuff but please stop. This is normal rest for cole. In the regular season when there are long stretches without an off day, you pitch 5 every 5th day. That is what Cole would be doing on Thursday...if we weren’t going to win this game 6-4.
  19. Here’s what we know for sure: We are going to line up and beat the hell out of them physically. Oklahoma hasn’t been more physical than us since Mack. Every year, we punch them in the mouth. We are going to win the battle of physicality. We need Rojo to run a lot. Pooka Williams ate them up last week. Ingram isn’t going to get it done. Run Ingram when we’ve gassed them and when we’re late in long drives. Will this happen? No, but it’s how we should approach the running game. Come out running with Rojo and Sam and it will set the tone for the entire day. I expect our OL to repeatedly punch them in the dick.
  20. Enjoyed Herman's calm, jovial behavior today.. we are going to win
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