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  1. RPI matters more than number of wins. We pretty much have to get in the 40’s of RPI which is going to require more than 31 wins with how things currently look. Probably closer to 33-34 wins. 19 games left including today, which would mean a 12-7/13-6 finish.
  2. How about age 9, '74, Billy fucking Martin, manager, Toby Harrah, Jim Sundberg, Mike Hargrove, first winning season in Texas. Dr. Pepper sponsored kids "season tickets" I think we got 8 games in the bleachers for almost nothing. My dad (lifelong Reds fan) took off work so we could go to all of them, plus a couple more if I remember. So that's 50 years. Anyone else?
  3. I don't really disagree with any of that. But even if/when they get more shells, they are still playing defense. All I am saying is there is no obvious tactical path forward. The people who really know strategy aren't talking, and the people who are talking don't know strategy. All I am saying is a thing that is sublimely obvious. It is a stalemate. Status quo means whole lot of dead people and billions of dollars and euros spent for no obvious reason. Until something changes, it will remain a stalemate. If could've done it, we would've. I wanted nothing more than for the Kerch bridge to fall. I think a massed missile strike would kill both bridges permanently. It didn't happen. And the Ukranians have not shut off the northern route to resupply either. So until both of those things happen, there will be no collapse. I watched many videos where Ben Hodges was talking about how Ukraine would take Crimea last summer. I believed him. He was wrong. Crimea chokes down to about a 2 mile wide swampy bottleneck at one point. It is fully mined and targeted with missiles and artillery. The only was Ukraine is getting Crimea back is with an amphibious landing. They aren't crossing that no man's land. Ukraine is fucking up the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. But armies win land wars, so it's awesome and makes me smile to see those guys die, but it doesn't matter. I disagree with the Republicans tactics, it is extremely reckless. And they are wrong on principle. They constantly say "Putin's not going to take the Baltics". Except he will, if we let him. But Ukraine will lose a war of attrition. Russia has 6x the population and 10x the economy and Putin is a dictator. He can't lose, it would end him. And we doing nothing to make him think he is going to lose. Putin will take Kyiv if we do not massively increase our commitment to winning. That's where we are now.
  4. Not sure which thread is best for this, decided to drop in here because of Hurley discussions... "You've got the wrong type of people around the inner circle of your players, they'll sink your program." Back-to-back March Madness champ Dan Hurley: "We spend a lot of time focusing on the parents" in recruiting By: ZACH BARNETT APR 9, 2024 UConn won its second straight men's basketball national title on Monday night, which cemented Dan Hurley as the Next Big Thing in college coaching. His Huskies became the first team since 2006-07 Florida to crowned kings of back-to-back Big Dances, but they did so by acheving a level of dominance no one has ever seen. Look at it this way: UConn will enter next March's Big Dance on a 12-game tournament winning streak. One could subtract 12 points from the Huskies' score in all 12 games... and they'd still have a 12-game tournament winning streak. Unlike Billy Donovan -- who built those Gators teams around a nucleus of four NBA players and then took the Orlando Magic job months later (only to later change his mind) -- Hurley is here to stay. The son of legendary high school coach Bob Hurley and the brother of legendary Duke point guard-turned-Arizona State head coach Bobby Hurley, Dan Hurley appears in the college game to stay. The fervor with which he coaches and the culture within the NBA would mix like peanut butter and gasoline. Here in the college sports, we're going to be hearing from Dan Hurley a ton moving forward. At 51 years old, he's only been at UConn for six seasons. The 2023 team lost three players to the NBA, then got better. Even more rare, Hurley has built UConn without relying on super-blue-chip recruits or the portal. The team that tore through the 2024 NCAA Tournament had only three transfers on its roster. In an interview before the game with CBS This Morning, Hurley explained the key ingredient to the culture-building process in Storrs. It starts in the recruiting process with an evaluation of the parents just as much as the player. "There's measurable talents you have to have -- the height, the speed, the skill set. But we spend a lot of time really focusing on the parents," Hurley said. "Are they going to be fans of their son or are they going to be parents? Are they going to hold them accountable, have an expectation that when something goes wrong that it's not the coach's fault? That their son's got to work harder, he's got to do more, he's got to earn his role." When pressed on how he evaluates recruits' parents, Hurley said this: "Have they played on seven different travel teams? Have they transferred to four or five different high schools? When you talk to the parents in the recruiting process, are they constantly complaining about the coaches after a bad game or are you having a conversation where their son has got to do more, got to play harder, he's got to work on his skills. They tell on themselves. They drop hints. You've got the wrong type of people around the inner circle of your players, they'll sink your program."
  5. Texags is a village of idiots. Blind loyalty, redass till death. That's their brand. The front door for this website is football. But the football forum is not even close to the busiest forum, not even during football season. Not even when we are winning bigly. The Shaggy/Surly brand, this may be shocking, used to be that you could find intelligent people from all perspectives engaged in rational discussion. And tits. The football brought people in, they stayed for rational and interesting discussion across a wide variety of topics. Now a small contingent of posters are engaged in spree negrepping across every forum. They are also the ones engaged in 95% of the name calling on the site. The site has become an intellectual ghetto in the same way that Texags is. Except our "brand" requires intelligent discussion. The site would grow a lot more if that was still around. But it isn't because of the rep system. Half of your potential customers prefer Trump over Biden. People don't necessarily mind conflict, but they will get banned as a result of spree repping. Like MJ said, "Republicans buy shoes too". I don't pay because I know I management does not want me here. Also because I go years without posting. I'd like to see a table of all posters in rank order of number of negreps. I guarantee that with numbers that exceed the median by 100x, the posters with the most negreps are all TDS sufferers. I would guess JimmyJazz has the highest number.
  6. Almost two years ago, the guy I was sitting next to got tasked to go to DC to participate in the planning for Ukraine's summer offensive. That was our plan they executed last summer, and it didn't work. We provided them all a metric shitton of equipment, tanks, 155mm artillery, missiles, more than enough to engage in what we call, by doctrine, combined arms operations. We sent their people to our bases, where they were given training on our equipment. Lastly, we developed the war plan that they were expected to implement. We supplied all of their logistical needs. We provided everything you could need to win a battle. The result of their efforts was the Ukraine got beat. They were unable to retake any territory. We can look back in retrospect and talk about air supremacy and drones and whatnot, but Ukraine has nothing to show for everything that we gave them. They are not, by any measurable metric, winning the war. In the present scenario, there is exactly zero reason to believe they can win. Attrition is not in their favor. Most of what you posted above is hope, not reality. Improving their defense, Patriot missiles or otherwise, will not win the war, merely prolong it. They need a dramatic increase in the resources available to fight the war, and they need it soon. I asked the question and I will ask it again. Show me the tactical path to victory. How will a depleted, borderline elderly, and outmanned Ukrainian army engage in offensive operations and destroy the Russian army in its territory? BREAK BREAK What I am in favor of is cutting off Russia from SWIFT. I support much stronger sanctions on Russia and Russian companies. I am favor of giving Ukraine much more powerful missiles IOT destroy the Kerch Bridge permanently. We should end the ability of Russians to freely travel outside of their country. I am in favor of an international tribunal similar to Nuremburg at which we can convict as many Russians as possible for their crimes. What I'd like to see is Poland send its army into Ukraine, as well as the Baltics and France. A bigger key would be sending their support people. Meaning maintenance and logistics. Establish ano fly zone over Ukraine and kill everything that moves. Probably, that would help a little. But alone it would not win the war. More likely, the Polish, Baltics, French, and maybe the US will need to start actively killing Russians, if the standard is to expel the Russians from Ukraine, including Crimea, a goal which I support. Of course we need to send much better weapons to the Ukrainians, not just artillery shells and F-16s. AC-130s maybe? Under no conditions should Putin be allowed to win this, or to appear to have won, or in any way defeated the West.
  7. Fuck me. Picked a helluva first game of the season to go to (we probably win by 8 )
  8. This. And a "Ukraine can't win" conclusion is uninformed by history. Army v. Army, Russia has had an advantage in a shitload of wars. Yet....Russia regularly loses or collapses as a government/state. Russia's one great victory, WWII? It was fought using a shitload of western materiel. Otherwise? You don't beat Russia by straight head-to-head matchup. You beat Russia by humiliating it, bleeding it, and causing a crisis within Russia and Russian leadership. The Ukraine strategy is to fight to a point of either Putin declaring victory of some sort to save face/save his ass, or collapse of the current Russian regime (either by actual collapse or Putin's death/incapacity). I regularly advise smaller clients in fights against much larger, better-funded adversaries. I tell them "we don't have to beat them head-to-head right now. They are going to throw everything they have at us. All we have to do is survive the onslaught, and outlast them." That strategy works. It works a lot. Because a lot of the "big boy bullies" in this world only have "bully" in their arsenal. When "bully" fails to achieve the desired result....they become confused, vulnerable, and lose their will to fight. Which creates the opportunity for a negotiate resolution that is much, much more favorable for the smaller adversary than you would have thought at the outbreak of hostilities. All that BeardIP is telling us is that either 1) he is fucking lying about supporting Ukraine, and/or 2) he's a shitty strategic thinker who has minimal experience in adversarial engagement.
  9. Russia is already never coming to the table as long as putin is breathing. You are repeating putin and tucker carlson's useful lie that they would negotiate a peace. You should open a fucking history book to the mid to late 1930s and read up on how appeasing these sorts of figures tends to go. And why shouldn't we be willing to subsidize Ukraine? They are a globally significant producer of wheat, a major science and technology hub (most of Russia's best equipment was designed and made in Ukraine), and a key strategic ally as a check against Russian expansionism. Their boys shoot our guns at Ivan so our boys don't have to. Do you just want to see some American blood shed too before you're willing to support our allies? For fucks sake, your sort of thinking would have given the axis powers the free hand they needed to win in WWII. Were it not for lend/lease the war likely would have ended in 1940. But hey at least it would have avoided all those """unnecessary deaths""" amirite???
  10. Pumped I always go to spring games because it’s the best bang for my buck, we can leave when the kids are done, and Texas wins guaranteed
  11. Low energy in the building last night which somewhat translated to the ice last night. Those guys play great defense. I felt like if we could have got one of those to go in the 2nd when we had several chances (including off the iron I thought was in and bounced out from my angle but clearly didn't) it might have opened things up a bit, but that's hockey. Tough to beat any team 4X in a row much less a team that solid. Let's just win Saturday.
  12. I don't want purport that I'm some master salesmen but I've had a lot of training and trained up a team of my own and I'd like to think they were pretty good at executing my vision. A sales coach will rebut that pricing with "sell them service". I have tried all kinds of different scripting and I bet it works about 10% of the time, and we have basically built our entire business on supporting a service model over pricing. I've even table-set by saying "this should be very competitive pricing but if you find something better let's chat on it.", in the hopes of getting a chance to match. I'm sure you did that, too, because the borrower told you about it and didn't ghost you. CSB: I lost a deal two years ago that still stings--jumbo, I connected well with the borrower, he's a new dad (same as me at the time), sent him a Berenstein bears book after our initial phone call, etc. He's talking to me and the highest production team in Austin (his agent referred both of us) and I loved competing against them because I respected them (they didn't make promises they couldn't keep). Anyway, our pricing is very similar and they cut him a deal that I could match but their LO got their first, and he gave them a verbal commitment. I didn't have any more margin left to give up and couldn't do much but sell him on service after that loan closed, which didn't work work (probably doesn't help that by that point I usually feel like I'm begging). Fast forward a few months and our bank is appearing insolvent, my partner and I are looking for a place to land and we've got two options under consideration--a bank that's been purchased by some of our former peers and promises no LLPA's, at least on investment properties (which at the time, a lot of our investors were California engineers, southeast Asian or Asian, and ruthless shoppers, so it's be cheapest or lose the business) and the Austin IMB that we lost that jumbo deal to. We're interviewing/being interviewed by the bank president/owner and I brought up that loan (which was originated by his most accomplished LO on his team) and he said "Yup, I'll tell you a secret about her--she's very transactional.", i.e., she understood that bottom-line, if you find yourself competing on price don't fuck around, get to the LOWEST you can stomach right off the bat. Win it or lose it and move on. I can get way too precious about trying to maximize profit and it's a bad strategy in that particular contest. Back to you, I'm sure doing this already but don't forget to sell him the refinance, but you're going to have to match the rate and maybe beat it.
  13. Did somebody fact check this? I’m actually a bit surprised by this. but the more I think about, the more I think it shows Espada is also “1 of 1”. This says every other manager in the history of baseball has either 1) pulled a guy in the first inning before he gets to that point when he thinks his team still has a chance to come back and win or 2) says “f it. Bullpen is toast. I’d forfeit if I could, but you’re wearing it until your arm falls off” and the guy at least gets through the first. The fact that he didn’t do #1, and decided to do #2, before bailing on that idea is not great. (But granted, his hands were tied. I get at some point you have to cut bait and go get him). I will use this opportunity to reminisce on the only other Astros game that I can remember being this bad (worse) in the first inning. 7 year old me actually remembers where I was listening to Milo on the radio and blown away that a team could give up 2 TDs (with the extra points) in the first inning. August 3, 1989 at Riverfront. Starter (Jim Clancy) didn’t get an out giving up a leadoff walk and then 6 straight hits, all who would eventually score…(including a 3 run jack by Papa Griffey), before Art yanked him for Bob Forsch. Who proceeded to give up hits to 10 of the next 11 batters (only out of those 11 was the pitcher, Tom Browning) before retiring the leadoff and 2nd guy in the order on their THIRD plate appearances in the inning for the final 2 outs of the inning. add it all up, we go to the 2nd: Astros 0 0 0 Reds 14 16 0 (Epilogue: tip of the cap to the Big Bopper who, after all that, led off the top of the 2nd and smashed the first pitch he saw from Browning over the left field wall). (And lol at Browning getting the complete game on 87 pitches.) https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/CIN/CIN198908030.shtml https://www.mlb.com/video/reds-1989-14-run-1st-inning
  14. This is Christian Nationalism, and it is oh so very fucking dangerous. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick pushes pastors to run for political office During a private meeting at Ed Young's Second Baptist Church in Houston, dozens of right-wing Christians strategized how to win seats in the 2024 elections. As millions of Texans prepared to stare at the sky Monday to glimpse the total solar eclipse, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick joined his pastor Ed Young in a prayer circle at Houston's Second Baptist Church, where they embraced conservative kingmakers and called for pastors and believers to run for office. "If we don't win in 2024, we lose this nation," Patrick said ahead of the November elections, while standing on a small stage at the church's massive Woodway campus. "Today, it is a battle of darkness and light. There are people who pray to God, believe in God, raise their families in God's work and there are people over here who don't believe in God and want to kick God out. They hate God. That's the battle we're in." Patrick, a longtime member of the SBC-affiliated megachurch and one of the most powerful Republicans in Texas, attended the pastor's private luncheon organized by the American Renewal Project (ARP), a group founded by anti-gay Dallas political operative David Lane. The ARP has enlisted North Carolina's GOP Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson to recruit and train clergy and congregants to win seats on local school boards, city councils, county commissions and on the state legislature. The project's Houston meeting represented the first of 20 gatherings across Texas. "We need America to get out of the chaos and come back to peace," said Patrick, who called North Carolina's Robinson a friend. "Whether its pastors or just believers, they need to stand up and either run for office, support people running for office…" and register citizens to vote in elections. Patrick drew applause for praising anti-abortion state and federal laws and for verbalizing anti-immigration rhetoric alleging that "millions" of people including "criminals, sex offenders, and child abusers" were crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. He also claimed the Biden administration refused to do anything to stop the border "chaos" because migrants mean future Democratic voters. "I'd rather be kicked out of office for my positions than kicked out of Heaven for my positions," Patrick said. "Vote me into office and vote me into Heaven." The speech a little more than a month after Pastor Young delivered a ranting sermon during which he referred to migrants coming into Texas as "undesirables," "garbage" and "raff" and suggesting that the United States is already "lost through foolishness." Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, Young referred to the Democratic Party as "some kind of religion that is basically godless" and called for his congregants to vote out local officials. On Monday, Lane, the founder of the American Renewal Project, said 50 pastors and religious leaders ran for various political seats in North Carolina in 2022 to fight in "a war between God Jehovah and the false god of secularism." Lane aimed to replicate his successes in Texas and encourage more than 100 believers to run for statewide office in the coming years. "The American culture is nothing but the manifestation of the false religion that's governing America," Lane said. "If we're going to save the country for our kids and theirs, we have to move into the public square in obedience to Jesus' Kingdom" which he believes was assigned in the Gospel of Matthew. Patrick echoed the need for Christians to prepare for a sort of spiritual warfare during the "battle" of November elections, his words seemingly in line with to the aims of Christian nationalism, an ideology that seeks to merge American and Christian identities. "If we get ready for battle in the election in 2024, I believe the victory will be the Lord's," Patrick said. "But we have to stand up and fight.” The lieutenant governor spoke with certainty when saying "we're all going to Heaven" in the room with pastors and others wearing pins of an American flag with a cross. "We're already saved. We're gone," he said. "But what about the future? What are our children and grandchildren are going to inherit?"
  15. Been going to the dome with pops since before I can even remember being there. Stood in line for hours to get Nolan Ryan to sign his autobiography throwing heat only to have them cut the line off like 4 people ahead of us. My old man then looks at Nolan and says "Hey man you're his hero" and so Nolan waves me over asks me my name and signs my book. I was always rocking my Astros gear on the beach in St Thomas during the 100+ loss years. I never expected the 7 straight ALCS run but damn if 2023 (putrid roster management) and 2019 (WTAF) don't sting it would have been sweet to have been sitting there alongside the Yankees dynasty from 1996-2003 (4 WS wins, 6 ALCS wins) instead we are going to be looked upon as 2nd fiddle despite the historic consistency.
  16. I did not realize what had been going on with Derka. Damn. He is going to win this championship. Do you have a way to get in touch with him @ztejas so we can get him paid?
  17. Check out my posts on the football, Rockets and Texans threads for each team’s past season. I have been optimistic about each and am happy about the progress they all made. Like everyone here, I hated how the Astros finished last season. I’m pissed at how we’re blowing opportunities to win another WS with Dusty’s moronic decisions last year and with the idiots in charge this season. Once this window closes for good, it’ll be another decade at best until we are good enough again to contend for a title (if we’re lucky to have a guy who knows what he is going unlike Dana).
  18. Let's look at WR for this class, as it pertains to reasonable targets for Texas. Elite Lockett - Elite components: 6'7" wing span, extra large hands, great high pointer. Situation: Texas leads. Moore - Elite components: Track star speed. Most explosive WR out of his stance in this cycle nationally. Situation: A future state glimpse of recruitments between Texas and LSU. Both have a lot to sell. Both are putting WRs in the NFL this cycle in high rounds. The guy will have ex-teammates on both teams. NIL is a factor. LSU's NIL, irrespective of hagiographic shit being pumped out in a documentary, is limited. They simply cannot throw major NIL dollars at every spot. Do they say "fuck it" and sacrifice other targets at other positions in order to win here? Maybe. There are a lot of people who think this one flips. I could see either outcome right now. Ffrench - Elite components: Route running. Optionality, can play all WR positions well. Excellent yet undercoached in typical state of Florida recruiting ways, leaving significant developmental upside. Situation: There are plenty of good reasons for this guy to go to any of the schools he's considering. OSU's record with WRs and the NFL is strong. FSU is about to put guys in the league this cycle too. Tennessee, sure. Miami is regionally relevant. NIL is likely a big deal here. No one between OSU, Tenn, or Texas can claim a legit advantage here in that regard. High Quality Talent W/out an Elite Skill or Trait Johnson - You could argue that this guy possesses elite speed with sub 11.00 100 times while also playing multiple sports. He's not ranked as an elite player because 1) he plays for a 3a school and most of his footage is just him catching the ball wide open and running away from everyone and 2) he has a very thin frame, akin to that of Worthy. Texas leads. Harris - Average measurables for a WR. Plays for an elite football program that is a CFB prospect factory. Ceiling may be limited. Apparently has excellent hands and plays the position really well. Does not possess elite speed. Seems kind of obvious that Texas leads. McCutcheon - Insane production numbers. Probably limited only to slot in college and allegedly is leaning towards OOS. Texas is hosting him for an OV, at least as of this time, but they have not pushed as a priority. Marsh - Good size, lacks elite speed, apparently has excellent hands. He has a helicopter parent who is a legitimate distraction. The player has alleged attitude issues, but given his personal life without a dad and a mom likely heading to prison, maybe that's a nurture/environment thing. Apparently, ATM isn't really an interest for him. He's pushed for interest from Texas. OU likes him. Choice - This dude has great height and uses it well. I don't know about his track times but he doesn't look like a blazer. Apparently, he's a heavy OU lean but has a UT visit scheduled. ---- I might be missing something, but that's the 8 targets I feel like we hear about the most. Texas will take between 3-4, it seems. How does that mix shake out? Irrespective of how the services are ranking him, Johnson looks like a staff priority. I think he is the most likely player to get the "we want you, but we need to know what you're going to do now before we are forced to make other choices if you're not on board" treatment here in the next few weeks/months. So I think they land him. Lockett is a must get. He has visited Texas far more than any other school and they are doing everything they can to land him. I think they land him during his visit or shortly thereafter. Competition is more or less "the field" which is also good. That leaves 1-2 other spots. I doubt they land both Moore and Ffrench. I think it is likelier that they don't land either of them. Nonetheless, let's assume Texas pushes a ton of chips in on Moore and the LSU offense this seasons is a shadow of its former self. So who is your number 4? If it is Harris, great, that keeps SoCal's attention on the program and Sarkisian saves his biases. I'd rather punt on #4 unless Ffrench pulls the trigger. I like McCutcheon but clearly that isn't the staff's opinion or they're just not getting much back from him. The portal will have a ton of options and there is no reason to believe that Texas, while putting more WRs into the pros and Arch Manning waiting in the wing, with Sarkisian's offense, won't be a premier landing spot for the best WRs in the portal, yet again. What's everyone else's mix?
  19. Your hope is wrong. There are only two options: 1) Trump wins in 2024, and we never have another actual functional election again. 2) Trump loses in 2024.....and immediately begins his (successful) campaign for the nomination in 2028. Because yeah, he ain't gonna die. Not anytime soon. He'll live to be 95, at least. Trump is not going away any time soon. Losing doesn't stop him, because he simply declares that he didn't lose and the base believes him....and the rest of the GQP falls in line. None of this gets any better until he dies. That's it. That's the only thing that can help at all.
  20. I guess everyone on staff is just phoning it in the rest of the season at this point.Pierce is shit, its obvious. We win inspite of him. My luck, watch, the little fuck will barely squeak into to the post season and go on a run. Ughhhh
  21. Next year is going to be an interesting year. Right now you have juniors (like Hunter) who are playing against guys 2 years older and more experienced than them (thanks to Covid). The more experienced guards typically win in March (as evidenced by UConn just winning the title with a pair of 5th year guards). And every good team has a number of these players. Most of the good tourney teams had 3-4, we had four ourselves. Next year, those juniors are going to go from being relatively inexperienced, to being the most experienced players in college basketball. I really think it is crazy to want Hunter to hit the portal. He is going to look much better next year going against younger players, and that isn't even factoring in another year of offseason shooting and maturity. Plus the team is in desperate need of some continuity with all the guys graduating. I badly want Hunter and Mitchell to stay and I want us to put better, more complementary pieces around them this year. Weaver + Hunter + Tre Johnson + Dillon Mitchell + Kadin Shedrick (plus an elite lead guard and an elite big man) could be a very good team in 2024-2025 as talent and experience level in CBB takes a step back.
  22. So most people here outside of Lenny understand that an individual data point is not information. I am interested in the signal not the noise. Efficient market theory says you can't time the market. Mostly true, but you can be a little smarter. You can see trends. So for example, I think this is four in a row that came in above expectations. Of course my thesis is that this is driven by money printing. Said money printing has started to move up at a rate that is totally out of control. We've reached the steep part of the curve. Jamie Dimon discussed this recently: Every asset class is going to be affected. We've mostly got over the idiots saying "it can't happen here", so it's a much more rational discussion. Almost certainly the disaster hits within five years, possibly sooner. It really depends on when we go into recession. Deficits >12% during economic expansion are unheard of in our history. The government is borrowing almost 50% of what it is spending NOW, before the recession. Financial repression is a thing, everyone will sell their bonds and get out of the dollar when they realize what we've done. What Raoul Pal said about "we are all debt slaves" was really powerful. Pal's Bitcoin argument has some holes, for example I am not seeing a flood of money into BTC today, but regardless, I am positioning the portfolio to benefit from the inevitable. It seems like the money printing is finally driving prices up. I mean, I was a decade early and all, but here we are. It's not an argument I wanted to win. I blame mostly the 535 ladies and gentlemen of Congress. I hope they all get uncurable leprosy.
  23. Stars win. Magic number to clinch Central down to two, three to clinch the West. Rangers lost in the East. Rangers at 110 points, Stars have 109 but we have a game-in-hand on them. Canucks host the Coyotes tomorrow. As far as possible first-round opponents go, the Predators clinched a playoff spot tonight and are at 95 points. Defending champ Vegas is at 92 but have two games-in-hand on Nashville. I would think Vegas would rather play Vancouver than Dallas in R1 if possible. Myself, I’d like to avoid them as well in the first round because as either @Beau Vine or @Longhorn_Fan68 said, the Knights are about to get really, really “healthy.”
  24. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I may be wrong. But I think people fail to appreciate that the environment is about to change again. 5th year Covid players greatly inflated the talent level in the portal. You are still going to have a ton of players in the portal, but they won’t be nearly as impactful. And a lot of them will be one year rentals instead of 2-3 so there will be less continuity. Imagine if we only got one year of Carr, Allen and Bishop. Take out all the 5th year players this year and we have a completely different tournament. I doubt UConn wins without Newton and Spencer.
  25. Thanks for the heads up about Baker, gents. I'm happy to wrong on this, but by my lights Baker is the one head-to-head we've won with Oregon. I'm not saying Oregon is 100% winning every time, but that Nike money makes pulling kids from California a pain in the ass. Other than Baker, the kids we've pulled from California weren't really on Oregon's big board. I'm specifically thinking of LTG (battle with ASU), Moore (Louisville), Shannon (not really a battle with anyone), and Maalik (same). There may be others. Of course, it's possible my ass is still chapped from losing kids like Ashton Porter and the other DL they've pulled from east Texas. We almost lost Kelvin Banks to those fuckers. My point is that Baker is one guy. Is that a trend? I'm sure some of y'all know better than me, but going against Nike seems like an uphill battle. Not just in terms of how much NIL they can offer, but the level of organization and professionalism Oregon's association with Nike lends to its NIL program. But hey, maybe Marcus Harris is worth the effort. And maybe I'm just being a big sloppy pussy about Nike/Oregon.
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