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  1. I've already seen it, but if you want to continue to put your head in the sand wait a few years on these "misses" and tell me what your verdict is. Kids who play because of NIL aren't the kids who will be the major contributors for national championship winning teams.
  2. I know it’s probably too much to ask but I wish some of you could refrain from mucking up this thread with irrelevant BS. Looks like this hurricane season is going to be serious business. Wherever Beryl decides to land it will likely do some serious damage.
  3. Welcsecme? We are already getting dumber!
  4. Today more than ever, homelessness isn't even about mental illness or substance abuse it's just about poverty. Because there's like five cities that have actually built enough housing to accommodate the growth they've seen in the past decade. It's estimated that anywhere from 40 to 60% of homeless people nationwide have jobs but still can't afford shelter. This specific case that we're discussing was about whether homeless people can be jailed for camping when there are no homeless shelters to go to. I think it's inhuman and un-American to throw someone in jail simply because they can't afford rent and have nowhere to go. Called it.
  5. hearing we'll be signing Duchene and Carrier from VGK today. Will be interesting to see who wins the Stamkos sweepstakes. Sure as shit won't be TBL as they just locked up Guentzel for a while.
  6. I'd hate to see Ullola go. He's by far the most likely to not ever have a major league career- but he's also the arm I see in the minors most likely to be a TOR guy at some point in time. I like Loperfido and Arrighetti both. If Toronto wants to send us Vlad Jr., and takes back, say, Montero as a contract to make the money work I would swallow hard and do it but I'd have Ullola off the board. Any of 2-5 they can take Loperfido or Leon and a couple other interesting guys and be good with it or not. If you deal Arrighetti you damn sure better have JV and Garcia at a minimum come back. And that's putting some decent sized pressure on Bloss or the minors if you don't also get LMJ back- which seems sort of like a fools errand at this point in time- but who knows.
  7. I hope I am since I want to fucking win. But honestly this seems like more arrogance. "We'll see 2 years down the line... as to why..." isn't a valuable answer.
  8. Stop me if you've heard this one before: Their federation has prioritized the finances of their domestic league over player development. I haven't looked directly at this within the confines of the mexican league, but what I've read, heard: older big names players getting caps over younger up and coming players Big club players getting priority over smaller clubs Players being persuaded to NOT go to Europe and stay in Mexico to play In the end there is a generation of players that just have dropped off from what they were.
  9. Good thing we aren’t totally dependent on just the recruiting talent on campus. And with you acknowledging the position itself takes time to develop then why do you have angst getting developed talent for that position through the portal. Recruiting is a crapshoot and even if we recruited better numbers at the position in previous years there is no guarantee they’d pan out. And y’all love to exaggerate an issue to make a point. We aren’t using the portal to build our entire DL.
  10. Texas ranks 14th in all time wins in college basketball? Did anyone else know or even think that? I had no idea. Just more ammo for the “why do people care about Texas basketball” folks that come on this board every so often. EDIT: There are no other Texas schools in the top 50 in all time wins. I had no clue.
  11. Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Keep Lab-Grown Meat Out of Florida On May 1, 2024, in News Releases, by Staff HARDEE COUNTY, Fla.—Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1084 to prohibit the sale of lab-grown meat in the state of Florida. Florida is taking action to stop the World Economic Forum’s goal of forcing the world to eat lab-grown meat and insects, “an overlooked source of protein.” While the World Economic Forum is telling the world to forgo meat consumption, Florida is increasing meat production, and encouraging residents to continue to consume and enjoy 100% real Florida beef. “Today, Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Our administration will continue to focus on investing in our local farmers and ranchers, and we will save our beef.” https://www.flgov.com/2024/05/01/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-keep-lab-grown-meat-out-of-florida/
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump didn't gain a single vote from the debate. Unfortunately, he didn't lose any either. BUT, I can pretty much guarantee that Biden lost votes from people who won't vote for either of who will now abstain from voting all together. Being the hero that's "above it all" and who can confidently say, "I didn't vote for him" whenever whoever wins does something embarrassing is an alluring draw. If the election was tomorrow, we are indeed fucked. Thankfully, it's not. But Biden isn't getting any younger.
  13. Adding FSU and Clemson just dilutes your overall product more. I don't mean that from the perspective of either not being a good add. They are great adds. I mean from the perspective that you're now making it more difficult for your best teams to play each other and you have to work to keep traditional rivalries going. You already have a shitload of money. Why take on more mouths and make your conference unwieldy? From listening to Sankey yesterday, he seems more than content to have just Texas and OU. Clemson and FSU, while great, are not worth getting to a stupidly high number when you already have difficulty getting teams to play each other with 16 teams. I know there's this idea that the conferences will eventually split off but I don't see that being desirous for either unless the TV money makes it worthwhile. I haven't seen anything from ESPN or Fox that makes me think they're in a position to pay even more.
  14. (Both Texas and OU have winning records against the Tide.)
  15. And I’m first on the list to admit that seems simplistic and callous - but facts are most alcoholics end up in jails, institutions, or dead while trying to answer that question and deciding if they’re ready for AA or recovery. Normal drinkers don’t ponder questions about whether they need to go to AA or what type of alcoholic they may be. His gut is telling him there’s a problem and his mind (disease / dis-ease) is telling him to form a research committee as a stall tactic.
  16. This. The SEC does not need to grow. Matter a fact they should not grow. They're already trying to monetize the 9th conference game and getting push back from ESPN. Adding more teams, at this point, is adding them to a second tier, much like the Oregon/Washington adds. FSU/Clemson would not be added full, no matter what the SEC always does, because there is zero way to pay for them at full with the current structure. You'd have to go to 9 and you'd have to have someone pay a premium for 9 who already owns all your games as it is. It just so happens that that same partner owns the rights to FSU/Clemson as well as UNC and that partner DOES NOT want to lose the rights to UNC/DUKE basketball, which if you haven't noticed, drives the bus during basketball season. Granted, not as big as football, but every big game on ESPN for the ACC is either UNC v Duke or someone against UNC or Duke. They are the engine that grew ESPN in the 90s and it still powers the off NBA slots to this day. So, at the moment, this is an all-ESPN transaction. They don't want to lose UNC/Duke nor FSU/Clemson everyone else is kind of fodder. The only place they own completely is the SEC, but they'd need to pay these four schools $320m a year to join the SEC, which they're not worth. The Big Ten is structured completely differently with 3 media partners, but is already tapping out on inventory space. Adding more inventory takes slots away from old school hanger ons, who have votes too. And if Oregon/Washington came in on the cheap, FSU/Clemson aren't coming in full. At that point I wonder if the Big12's PE connection could offer more. However, along those lines, with three media partners in place and coast to coast inventory, the Big Ten is no longer a regional conference like the SEC, it could easily become a consortium. Partner up with PE, buy 4-6 ACC properties now and tier them with some of your under performers. Then in 2030 inhale the Big12 and own all the inventory but 16 teams. PE wins. None of this comes to pass though, unless this thing is true that the ACC didn't sign the extension to 2036 and needs to reup in 2027. If that is true, that's FSU's out. Even if I still can't see who gives them the money they want.
  17. Someone please post all of Chris Paul’s “winning” that he can use to transfer knowledge to the young players on this team? Do you want them taught how to make it to the Conference Finals once in your career over the course of almost 20 years?
  18. You are just flat out wrong on the NIL front. Texas doesn't lead with NIL and they bail on guys that make it about NIL exclusively in the process. There's a good reason for that and I think you will see why in the long run. This has a lot more to do with the misses than anything else. Anyone who's expectations have been tempered on Kenny Baker lmao. At least we can hire a bunch of other coaches to actually coach the positions now.
  19. Hard to imaging it goes down the same as the Pac 12. 1) I don't think the SEC wants to expand more. I think they would be very selective still and at most take 2 if the opportunity was right. 2) B1G is already at an ugly 18. I mean I guess they could decide to go really big -- most of their decisions have been only about short term money and not about culture -- but even if they go after 2 or 4, that still leaves 10/11 team ACC. 3) The Big 12 can't have much of an appetite to expand unless some big market program falls in their lap like Miami or Georgia Tech. So you still have a 8-11 team ACC that is still a step above the G5 and would have an option to snag a USF to get the Florida market back.
  20. This is great. Glad we are part of these surprisingly funny skits on a regular basis now.
  21. Nope. If losing to Uruguay guarantees Berhalter gets fired then I would be down, but this is the USMNT we’re talking about. We dont make good decisions
  22. I'm still confused by January's ranking. He's going to be really good IMO. Also Sydir Mitchell was a 4 star.
  23. Are they going to Norman next week?
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