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  1. Following up more on this, I get what you're saying. There's very little chance we were going to win down 2 after 8. But Saturday was an off day and there are 3 days between Game 7 and the WS. Pressly could have thrown an inning last night and 2 today.
  2. All this handwringing (I’m doing it too) for a team we have a .750 record against. Of our 5 losses to them, 3 were in Ames. Texas has whooped that ass in Ames 7 times. We are going to win. Likely going to be ugly and come down the last couple of drives, but we are winning.
  3. I'm beginning to think we should push in our chips and go get Simmons from Philly. If we are going to win because some white guy from Lipscomb is unstoppable, then we should roll with it. Simmons, Brooks/Green, Mathews, Tate, and Wood. Sengun, Theis, Martin, and Christopher behind them.
  4. We are going to win at least 9 this year. I went with 10. We don't go against as many experienced Qb's this year like we did last year and our line play should get better. I think we're going to have a lot of happy fans by the end of the season.
  5. From the article... In the final three months before Election Day 2016, Sanders held 39 rallies in 13 states on behalf of Clinton’s campaign, according to Jones, including 17 events in 11 states in the last week alone. The Clintons and their acolytes are garbage humans. Doesn't matter, though, because we are going to win.
  6. exactly. we weren't going to win 5 or whatever games it is in a row vs whoever they put in front of us even with Jaxson. I just want to be there tonight to see how our guys respond and how they come out play. I want to see it for myself, especially if it happens to be Shaka's farewell game at Texas.
  7. To be fair, there were posters here saying almost the same thing. Lots of "if we aren't going to win the league, we might as well not win the best league" or something to that effect. I think to a sizeable portion of Texas and OU fans, the biggest value of this move is in seeing more "name" schools/blue bloods on the schedule.
  8. 12-0. Second time in school history. Guaranteed Top 10 matchup in Hilton on New Year's Day. We aren't going to win, but if we did, we'd be Top 5. A year after going 2-22. It's like watching some fucking underdog movie in real life. My wife refers to this team as "Hoosiers".
  9. Alright, that game yesterday was a kick in the nuts. But today’s a new day, and it’s time to kick some yankee ass. JV is on the hill. Altuve is going to start a new streak. Oso Blanco is going to turnip the beet. We are going to win the series by winning today, and helobious will wander the streets of Harlingen in despair. And the goddamned German’s got nothing to do with it!
  10. We are going to win out, lose the big 12 title game, lose the recruiting classes which will cause urban to say “nah I’m stressed out just thinking about that mess” and we will wander the Siberian in a dark winter so cold you have to use ice cubes to warm up your balls.
  11. Are you sure that wasn't during our first game of the season? I'm still in "It don't make a shit." mode. Texas is going to fuck start their heads and win this side of the bracket 3-0. No idea on the Championship series, but we are going to win our side of the bracket. If not, "He Who Must Not Be Named" will fist himself, probably.
  12. Coronavirus is bad, but we are going to focus a lot of our attention on the drug war, we are going to pick up where Nancy Reagan left off, we are going to win it this time, 40 years later. What a fucking joke. How about start by taking down some of pharma companies that are the #1 drug dealers in the world.
  13. msudawg


    Well that's that. we play again tomorrow.. with the Freshmen pitcher of the year going in JT Ginn. If we beat Louisville though, not sure who we would pitch against vandy on friday in game 1. (40% chance of rain) rain could get us back to ethan small. Tomorrow is my birthday. We are going to win.
  14. This is like every game against WVU. We are going to win and all I can do is sit here shaking my head fuming because this kind of basketball pisses me off so much. Pack up your fucking Twinkies and get the fuck out of town, Bob, you fat tub of shit.
  15. One day I will tell my son of the day I sat with Snacks at Pappa Charlie's and heard him explain the purpose of the "We are going to win" threads. And my son will look at me like I am a dumbfuck. And I will have no counterargument to his look. And from then on, he will just know. He'll know, by gawd.
  16. I guess I almost look like Col Sander with my white beard. But I wear shots, fllip flops an Burnt Orange T-shirts and I do cook good Chicken but I am best know by my Kool-AID! Oh and UOSUXS and Fuck Chip Brown and WEs are going da WIN!
  17. We aren’t going to “win” every negotiation with hostile foreign nations. Sometimes we will have to bite the bullet like today. Obviously I was speaking in platitudes not laying out foreign policy positions or strategy. The overall point is the same though, we should try to get every American home and sometimes that means we “lose” the trade.
  18. This could have been a team full of 8th graders and he would have said the same thing. You don't really expect a coach to walk in and say, "Our dudes suck and we're going to lose..." Hell, even I say "we are going to win," before I go on to talk about how we have no players.
  19. aggy: "Come to A&M where we are going to win 'a natty' and Jimbo will develop you into a first-round draft pick." reality: "If you are dumb enough to believe what Jimbo Fisher is selling, you deserve what eventually comes your way. I hear Katy is wonderful this time of year. Good luck with that 'aggy network.'"
  20. I’m sorry to do this, but I need some surly therapist help after triggering/opening up this old wound that took many years to recover from. I still really thought we were going to win that game after Spiers led off the 9th with a double off Hoffman. hate that it took another 19 years, but thank god for 2017.
  21. Fuck TCU but I have personal issues with ORU so I cannot sleep until they are out of this fucking thing. I'd rather fucking OU have won last year than ORU win this year. I'm already pissed they were sent to Stillwater as a 4 seed. We weren't going to win it either way, but fuck ORU, forever.
  22. This is the cloak room right? The Big 12 has already rigged the season against us bigly. By the way, the Big 12 is being controlled by the Biden Crime Syndicate and China. On a more positive note, we are going to win all our games including the National Championship and a statue of Sark lifting up Ewers holding the championship trophy will be commissioned for the outside of the stadium.
  23. I think this is bullshit. Cheating gets players to show up. We've had players show up. Cheating doesn't get results on the field, especially if everyone is supposedly cheating. We haven't won because we haven't won. There is no magic cheating dust that has caused us to not win the conference. We just don't win it consistently. We are going to win.
  24. I was in New Zealand, of all places, when that 2001 disaster occurred. I wasn't even trying to keep up with the game, because access to scores was hard to come by, and I knew we were going to win in a romp anyway. Finally stopped at some internet cafe (ah, the wired world of 19 years ago) and was able to find the score. Could. Not. Believe. It.
  25. This basically happens every single year after we lose a game. It's really pretty silly. We used to get HAMMERED by OU under Mack and then come back and win out or almost win out....when it looked like we weren't going to win any more games. I learned then that one game is a pretty piss poor predictor of future performance.
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