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  1. The CCC? You mean that damned Communist Cuck Campfire in the 30s?
  2. But therein lies the problem for the GQP. That means they're primarying almost all of the GQP members of the House. And that's a real problem for them because that means they're going to end up with a lot of unelectable general-election candidates. The House districts are tiny. There are 150 house districts. That means that each House district only represents about 200,000 people. With districts that small, it is hard to put into place a very effective gerrymander. That's reflected in the partisan makeup of the chamber: there are 83 Republicans, which at 55% pretty closely matches Abbott's share of the vote. That also means that you have a lot of districts that are close-ish. And in those close-ish districts, you have moderate Republicans, who are the only kinds of Republicans who are going to win that district. I mean, you can primary Morgan Meyer if you want. You can replace Morgan on the general-election ballot with the biggest MAGA crazy you can find. That'll show Morgan--that RINO cuck. Oh, but then a Democrat is going to win that seat in November. Because that district isn't voting for a MAGA crazy. So yeah--this GQP civil war is going to be fun.
  3. 'Narrow Gag' is the name of his homemade movie with Stormy Daniels, no? In all fairness to Commander Dipshit, I could see how no judge/jury could take his threats against prosecutors and witnesses as serious calls for harm. He is a feckless, impotent, beta cuck, incapable of the most basic of physical tasks. His wife has swallowed Balkan cum more times than Trump has fantasized about Ivanka swallowing his cum. He is spineless, cowardly, and in the end will back down when instructed to. I take his threats on individuals about as seriously as I take his hair or any Trump Flag Bearing weakling hiding behind a gun and a hat. They will kill far more of one another in his name, than he could ever possibly unleash on anyone else. His cowardice disregard for anyone but himself knows no bounds. I know you were all craved for strong leadership, I get it. I was too. But to put your faith and love and purse into such an average man of no mettle at all...I have to admit that kinda surprised even me.
  4. game on paper comparison: everyone is inherently flawed w/r/t OU early in the season. literally every projection system out there has them way too high because of Gabriel's injury + historical recruiting. it's a known issue with most projection systems, or should be they should be extremely concerned about the Cotton Bowl. if they go 10-2 with 2 losses to Texas including a blowout the heat on Venables is going to get very, very hot. here is the OU ROS dashboard in case folks want to see how shit their schedule is rest of the year and where they likely finish despite being an extremely flawed team. look where they sit with composite rankings, everyone but beta rank has them very high. composite rankings has them as better than this is too high: o well, i will happily take them be over ranked, then see Texas blow the doors off of them in a month and hope that their AD give Venables more years.
  5. Ahahahahahahaha, yeah, you've got exactly nine more months to make that money off of us. Enjoy it, cucks. Maybe we'll drag your ego to Omaha with us, too.
  6. https://x.com/jake_m_garcia/status/1700328461267796153?s=46&t=48UwT75-ubcNZuFNkFtMUA that is some weak beta shit right there
  7. If only we had like a blue ribbon panel at our Legislature to oversee when the Sun would Set, so they could inform ERCOT. Like a "Sunset Committee" if you will. I understand low wind, but the guy posted with no sense of irony, "And Sunset" yesterday. I'm an O&G guy on some deals, and we're underwriting a nuclear SMR right now, and I think solar and battery storage has so much upside (we beta tested it on our tractor-trailers years ago but it's gotten so much more efficient and cost-effective). But I'm just fucking done listening to some of you fucking people enable ERCOT when a talking point during rolling blackouts was "Sunset", and his tone was one of arm-shrugging vibe of "Sometimes shit happens, what can you do? I dunno."
  8. DP: Witness, when you can answer yes or no to a question answer yes or no. Witness: I can't answer yes or no to that question. DP: . . . okay. What a cuck.
  9. Dan Patrick is giving the biggest beta cuck energy I’ve ever seen run any sort of proceeding. This is a fucking circus of a clusterfuck.
  10. Well, he's a Republican, so.....yeah. I mean, add in the details of "to gay and/or cuck porn," and you've got them all figured out.
  11. Nothing significantly better or worse than last year from our westside, lower level perspective. Heat and opponent kept the crowd level somewhere below sell-out, which I’m sure helped create a sort of soft opening for vendors, staffers, and heat stroke first responders. One noteworthy takeaway was an apparent beta test for a new pump-up gimmick, ala Wisconsin’s Jump Around…Thunderstruck to start the 4th Quarter, complete with orange smoke, pyrotechnics, and LED light show (just pretend that part wasn’t pointless at 5pm). But amazingly, there was no announcement or cheesy “stand up and clap your hands!” bullshit and no sponsor content on the video board, as lamented with prior attempts in the Game Week thread. I’m cautiously optimistic this could be badass.
  12. I searched and saw there were multipage 2021 and 2022 versions but not this year UNTIL NOW!!!!!! We have our first data point: the Rice game. Here are some observations: Personal comfort: Someone forgot to turn on the A/C at the stadium. Gotdamn it was hot. I realize revenue is our God and all, but CDC has to tell the networks that that Aug/Sept games have to start at 7pm. End of story. Personal comfort: For the first time I can remember (I think ever), I left before the "Eyes." Was it the heat that drove me out? No, it was relentless, rock concert level volume "THIRD DOWN, GET LOUD!!!!" announcements. I'm not sacrificing what's left of my hearing for this garbage. Old Man Yells at Cloud: Some fat, short grey haired man two rows ahead of me decided to be the only person in Section 104 to stand at odd times in the first half. I know he was short because at one point he stood tired of just standing and stepped up on the aluminum bench in front of him (I realize I'm sailing perilously close to a TexAgs "Jackass of the Game" thread). Thankfully he left at halftime so there's no viral TikTok of Boomer-on-Boomer violence this morning. Newfangled gadgetry: Parked my rental car on West Avenue at 18th Street in a nice shady spot. Used the ATX parking app (just couldn't figure out what section I was in. I must have guessed right since I didn't get a ticket). As I did I noticed a student walking up to one of those electric scooters, punch some numbers into his phone, and rode off. Immediately I downloaded the app. Used the ticket I downloaded from Seat Geek to my phone to get into the stadium (first time I've done that). There's actually phone reception in the stadium now. If any of this surprises you, just remember I'm from the generation that beta tested all this technology whether we wanted to or not. Traditions Department: Actually heard the LHB play. Not as many songs as THIRD DOWN!!!! announcements, but it was still nice. I guess the bend at the northeast end zone is their permanent home now. Other Stuff: The fireworks after a score were OK, I guess. Might be better at night. At least The Gong and Jet Pack Guy are gone. We had a flyover and then video from the cockpit rebroadcast later in the game (and then the pilots on the field). Big XII Officiating: OK, there's a different thread for that, but damn they took a long time to review an incomplete pass in the 1st quarter. The pace of the game was "Molasses in January" instead of "Molasses in August." (Side note: upon realizing I don't know how to spell "molasses" I had to Google it and saw some photos. It doesn't look like something you would want to put in your mouth).
  13. Mike B says that guy’s a beta cuck. Got to show the kangaroo who’s boss right up front.
  14. I know but before they were barred from doing so, Don Senior never thought to start one? I mean, he wrote some checks for some galas and fundraisers 'n shit, but every single multi-billionaire on the planet starts and maintains a full-fledged foundation. Usually with some purpose or mission (kids, health care, environment, etc.). After decades of supposedly being a multi-billionaire, it takes his dumbest kid-Eric to finally start something up and of course they pilfer it and run the whole thing into the fucking ground within 15 minutes. The only straight answer I ever got about his lack of a family office (typically deployed after about $50-$100mm in investable assets when you move on from private banking) was from a guy I know well in NYC real estate that's did multiple JV deals with Trump Organization. He hates him now, as most of his old partners do because of how bad he flaked on shit and just played the "can't pay you, running for President" card back in 2015 and beyond. Anyway, Sol said they all wondered the same thing, why no family office? It's not uncommon for those guys to trade family office money into LPs. "We're doing a $250mm office deal together. As a show of good faith, our family office will do an $1mm LP into some nephew of yours' craft brewery and your family office puts $1mm into my college roommate's conflict-free pocket square factory" or whatever the fuck. Don, Jr. tells him basically, "Dad doesn't want to pay for the overhead of a family office, and doesn't trust anyone to run all our money. Plus we basically roll everything we make back into deals because everything Dad does makes more than any money managers could ever do." Sol was intrigued but still thought to ask, "The whole point of a family office though is to diversify assets and make them endure. You make a bunch of money in real estate or television or casinos, that's fine. But you take that money and spread it out into all the other asset classes out there to smooth out volatility, get alpha/beta/ooh-ahh, etc." Don, Jr. just shrugged it off and Sol tells me it was then he should have known that whole family and company was a facade, but like 35% of American voters---all the fucking red flags in the world won't stop some people. Trump can ring you up for a date. Tell you that he's picking you up at 7 o'clock, but you're paying for everything, he's going to sexually assault you, drain your bank account, insult your family, slap you around a little bit, and deny ever having met you. And the next morning you're gonna wake up and regret not thanking him more for a lovely evening. It hurts to admit you were conned/fooled. We've all been there to some small degree at one time or another. But sometimes the only back out is to further in.
  15. Why the fuck does that gross looking hack have to sit with the ladies? He’s y’all’s beta cuck limped dick whiny baby.
  16. Jimbo is still the cuck even in that marriage.
  17. yeah, I've read seventeen thousand plus posts of pure cuck
  18. It was a buddy's Model X that I drove. I've ridden in a Y and an S as a passenger. The X experience started with fifteen minutes of my friend trying to get the doors to work due to some kind of glitch. The single-pedal driving doesn't bother me, as that's just a matter of getting used to it. The acceleration is dangerously overpowered even if it's a lot of fun. I wouldn't put a teenager in one of these, and I think we're all fortunate that the typical buyer seems to be a cautious driver (anecdotal on my part - the Teslas I see cruising our area always seem to be driven like a Prius - almost too slowly and carefully). Once you're hauling ass, however, I found the handling to be choppy and the suspension was indeed very stiff (I believe he had air suspension but my memory could be off there). The overall sensation was that I was in a cheaply built plastic bucket that was going to fall apart around me. There was no sense of becoming one with the vehicle, which is crucial for a positive driving experience. To be fair, this sensation may come with more drive time. Driving experience aside, if I'm dropping over six figures on a vehicle, it better be meticulously finished out and have a genuine luxury feel to it. The Teslas I've been in felt more like driving a Kia (another brand whose appeal is a complete mystery to me). Also, as a non-tech enthusiast (although no Luddite), I just don't enjoy driving what feels like a car designed by and built for someone who spends hours per week sitting in a chair playing video games. The entire experience feels like using software in beta testing mode - it's cool, interesting, and innovative but doesn't seem finished. I do understand that appeals greatly to some and there's no judgment from me in that regard. It just isn't for me. I suspect the legacy automakers will end up designing something that's a better fit. I would love to drive an EV for a daily driver if the right one comes along.
  19. Well, your resident independent voter did not even watch the debate. Between my refusal to turn the station to Fox, and my outrage over the stupidity of Republican voters still supporting Trump, I’ve finally thrown in the towel on the Republican party. What put me over the edge was the refusal of all the “serious” candidates to turn on Trump. I’m not thrilled about everything the Democratic Party supports, but at least there is a level of competency, ethics, and intelligence inherent in most of its politicians and the party overall. The Republican Party is just a bunch of cucks and nutjobs. Until that party completes a full makeover, I will not cast a vote for one in any race at any level. I’m hoping there’s a bunch of independents like me as well. I’ve got to believe that a lot of the independent voters are smart enough to see how deadly serious these Trump indictments are and what a piece of shit he is.
  20. The alpha thing is total bullshit with the exception that anyone who talks seriously about being alpha really is a compete beta.
  21. Beta Xelmo appears to have taken down the account at issue after this story broke today.
  22. Yes, the 3 riders plus the driver really weigh them down. The fucking chokepoint on Guadalupe now between West 8th and West 3rd with that fucking bus only lane while the other two previous car lanes are taken up by traffic. Those fucking drivers just veer back out into the western most lane before/after that big stop by Republic Park. When there's an inevitable serious accident, there'll be more fatalities in the passenger car involved than on the fucking bus. EV bus technology just isn't there yet. They'll get lighter and better range, but we don't have to be the fucking beta test fleet for a city of our size. I knew CapMetro was at the vanguard of transportation disruption when they seriously contemplated modifying the bike carriers to carry a handful of e-scooters and big e-bikes. The rationale being if you were on a route where you had to get on busier roads/ramps/highways, you could bring your Lime/Uber/CoA electric scooter/bike with you, ride the bus, and have the scooter/e-bike ready to go when you arrived. Or, you could just not pay for your scooter to take a ride across town, just ride the bus without the hassle of loading a machine that big onto the rack, and just rent another scooter/bike when you arrived at your stop. Still, I am absolutely fascinated by the some of the lone scooters I see left behind around town in the strangest of places. I want to know the story behind some of them, because they're not just drunken sprees. My favorite one will always be Barton Skyway and Mopac access road. NW corner. in the grass by the crosswalk. Lime on its side, and one lone crutch laying on its side. During SxSW (may have been ACL). I still have so many questions.
  23. Admittedly, it's a beta report that will change as add/drops and certain academic calendar dates occur...but all-time high enrollments at UT-Austin at the McCombs School of Business, Cockrell School of Engineering, Jackson School of Geosciences, School of Information, School of Nursing, College of Natural Sciences, College of Education, and College of Pharmacy have preliminarily reported their highest enrollments ever. Coupled with robust philanthropy during the Capital Campaign and tuition easing for families under ~$150k-AGI, a fantastic start to a new era for our school. As such, I promise, promise, promise that Dan Patrick will be reporting that country-club campuses are out of control with spending, record tuition (no sense of irony given the legislative backdown on formula funding modifications), and forgiven welfare loans to get all these students degrees in women's studies and poetry which as well know are the only degree programs at our state's colleges. the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board began crafting the talking points this morning. But let's not let facts get in the way of the 'woke narrative'. DRINK!
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