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  1. Eight people were killed during a mass shooting at the FedEx Ground Plainfield Operations Center late Thursday, according to Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson Genae Cook. The victims were found dead at the scene, Cook said during a briefing after 3 a.m. Friday. The dead had injuries consistent with gunshot wounds. The gunman was found dead in what is believed to be a suicide nearby. "We are being made aware of multiple other people with injuries who have been transported to local hospitals or who have transported themselves to local hospitals," she said. Four people were transported by ambulance, with one in critical condition with injuries consistent with gunshot wounds. Three others were transported with various other injuries, according to police. Two people were treated at the scene and released. Multiple others walked into different local hospitals. "This is a tragedy," Cook said. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2021/04/16/fedex-shooting-indianapolis/7249099002/
  2. https://www.fox4news.com/news/struggling-food-truck-owner-finds-ally-in-hungry-plano-pizza-shop-owner?fbclid=IwAR1LlLC1bxEfgDDmwJlsGX8ejaILYhoDNAc5K6RjUcXZ87wtqEPRLY9pbkw PLANO, Texas - A woman who opened her restaurant in the middle of the pandemic at times did not know how she was going to make it work. Another business owner reached out to help. Juline Mathe took a leap of faith and started a business during the pandemic. FOX 4 interviewed her about the new restaurant, Renee’s Jerk Chicken, in November. "I actually come from a family of chefs born and raised in Jamaica," she said. The Frisco mother left her career as a flight attendant hoping to fulfill a dream and protect her daughter, who is considered high-risk because of an underlying health condition. "So for probably a solid month and a half we were doing amazing. And then all of a sudden it just got dead," Mathe said. People loved her food but she ran into roadblocks struggling to find places to park her food truck. "Our chicken is cooked on-site so it’s not like it’s something we can reuse. I was losing so much money," she said. A pizza shop owner in Plano with a craving for Jamaican food saw Mathe’s story on FOX 4 and called her up. But what he found was a woman on the verge of giving up. "I called her and said, ‘Hey, what are your hours? I want to buy some of the food.’ And she was very depressed. And she said well we don’t have a spot or whatever," said Ram Mehta, the owner of In-Fretta Pizza and Wings. Mehta knew he could help her. "I texted her and said, ‘Hey if I can be of any help. You can just park right across from my restaurant," he said. "So wait a minute. You own a restaurant and you want me to bring my mobile restaurant and park in front of your business? Okay, what’s it going to cost me? And he’s like, ‘Nothing. Just come bring your truck, sell your chicken. You know, I just want you to win,’" Mathe said. Once homeless, Mehta knows hardships. The now successful business owner started a movement called Everyone Eatz, which organizes free food giveaways. It’s a result of a promise to his late mother and a vow to always give back. "He’s just been amazing. I call him my fairy godfather," Mathe said. "No! I’m from New York. No fairy godfather. The queens!" Mehta joked. The two are now committed to working together. Renee’s Jerk Chicken sells out regularly and the Everyone Eatz initiative grows bigger with each passing day. This past Saturday marked more than half a million meals handed out by the organization.
  3. So I have a personal phone with AT&T and a T-Mobile phone for work. In the last few weeks I've either gotten texts or emails from both providers mentioning forced arbitration being the only avenue if I continue using my device on their network. Realistically I don't think there are many differences in providers, and I would guess they're all selling every last piece of my data they can to whomever will buy it. So why now? I googled and can't find anything news related that would necessitate changes. This arstechnica link is almost 2 years old.
  4. I'm not a religious man. On the contrary, I hate religion. I think it does much more harm than it does good. Religion is made by man, governed by man, and judged by man. It's a set of codified rules set forth by old dudes, nothing more, nothing less. If I belong to any religion, it's a simple religion which has one tenet. Don't be a dick. Everything takes care of itself after that. Anyway, I see this as a good thing. Less religion, hopefully more spirituality. https://time.com/5951008/american-church-decline-religion-poll/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_term=u.s._religion&linkId=114879151&utm_source=reddit.com Poll: Fewer Than Half of American Adults Now Belong to a House of Worship BY MADELEINE CARLISLE MARCH 29, 2021 8:19 PM EDT For the first time in over 80 years of surveys on the subject, new Gallup data analysis released March 29 found that just 47% of American adults said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque in 2020—the first time that fewer than half of respondents reported membership at such houses of worship. Gallup has documented a decline for decades, with particularly steep drops apparent in recent years. When the analytics company first asked about church, synagogue or mosque membership in 1937, 73% of respondents said they belonged to one. (Gallup’s question does not explicitly include other faith centers, such as Buddhist, Sikh or Hindu temples or meeting houses.) That percentage stayed around the same until the turn of the century; in 1999, 70% of U.S. adults still said they belonged to one of the three. But, based on annual aggregated data from two surveys Gallup asks each year, by the mid-2000s it had dropped to around 60% and by 2018 it was 50%. GALLUP “A big part of this story is generational differences,” says Mark Chaves, a sociologist of religion at Duke Divinity School and the author of American Religion: Contemporary Trends, explaining that studies have found that “each generation is a little less religious than the generation before.” “It’s not like today’s young people are particularly unreligious,” he continues; Gallup’s latest findings are that 66% of adults born before 1946 say they belong to a church, while 58% of Baby Boomers, 50% of Generation X and just 36% of millennials said they belong to one. “Their parents were less religious than their grandparents… it’s a longer term generational replacement that’s driving these longer term trends.” Gallup found that the decline in membership is “primarily a function of the increasing number of Americans who express no religious preference.” Between 1998 and 2000, an average of 8% of Americans say they did not identify with any religion, per the company’s biannual surveys of U.S. religious attitudes and practices, according to a three-year aggregate of Gallup’s survey data. Just twenty years later, between 2018 and 2020, that figure had risen to 21%. But Gallup has also seen a decline in house of worship attendance among Americans who do identify with having a religious preference. Between 1998 and 2000, an average of 73% of Americans who identified as religious said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque. Between 2018 and 2020, an average of just 60% of religious Americans said the same. Read more: ‘It’s Like a Lifeline.’ How Religious Leaders Are Helping People Stay Connected in a Time of Isolation Many places of worship across the U.S. have been closed for over a year as the country contended—and continues to contend—with the COVID-19 pandemic. But Chaves says he thinks it’s “too early to tell” if the pandemic has played a role in the decline in house of worship participation. Jennifer Herdt, a professor of Christian ethics at Yale Divinity School, adds that she’s heard stories of the pandemic bringing some people back towards worship, either because of the ease of a virtual service or the need for a support system and a sense of community. Herdt adds that while the decline in particular religious affiliations could be viewed in some ways as younger people turning away from institutions, it could also suggest a greater openness towards other faiths and world views—and a curiosity towards others’ beliefs. “I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, even from the perspective of a religious person,” she continues. “That openness is what many of the world’s religions teach: that we should be caring and loving of all others regardless of their religious commitments.”
  5. wood

    Hey Damor, we go through a guy named Rod Dixon (rod@mtco.com). He has access to multiple units and can rent you either side of a unit, or the whole suite. We usually have 4-6 people and get the suite (1 king or queen bedroom, 1 bedroom with 2 fulls, a kitchen & living area, 2 baths, and a laundry room. Basically an apartment).

    He's a good guy and is consistent with pricing. Rent 6 nights, get the 7th free. Tell him Theresa and Tim Wood sent you! I'll ask him if it's ok to post his name & email on the forum.  Also, we always try to get phase 1. Dunno what it is about it, but it seems like there's a slightly different, more friendly vibe  there. More family friendly, too, if that's a concern for you, because of the way the pool area is situated.


  6. To refuse service if you don't wear a fucking mask! Just because Gov. Hot Wheels doesn't mandate it does not mean individual business can't. And to be clear you're not getting arrested for not wearing a mask, you're getting arrested for criminal trespass and resisting arrest. I wonder who she voted for? Hmm...
  7. You only can use what is represented by your tattoos... Watcha got? You rethinkin that seahorse, or no ragrets?
  8. I know you fuckers did this without me last year, and on one hand I was thankful to see people enjoyed it enough to carry on without me and on the other hand- what the fuck dudes? Did anyone even pour one out for me? Huck is in if he wants in, obviously, b/c he runs the numbers and makes the whole thing 100 X more fun than it otherwise would be and he's awesome. And- I think he finally is the defending champion so that always was a thing in the past that the guy who wants to defend his title can. Big Orange is in if he wants in b/c he's the bank, usually, if he's ok with that. Me- I brought the concept and the idea- and I put up the thread and run the draft damn it. So that's 3. Got room for 5 more of you guys, first come first serve unless I think you suck and will make this less fun to do for the next three weeks in which case I will tell you so and we will ignore first come first serve. So basically it's the no Homers club (but his name is homer... Exactly we already have our Homer, no Homer(S)- if you've ever seen that Simpsons, which is awesome).
  9. Time to get it rolling courtesy of our '23 war daddy/bell cow Rueben Owens from @texifornia via @Longhornfrenzy @texifornia, go ahead with the remainder of the screenshots. I'm just starting the thread.
  10. This shit has me laughing so hard but couldn't find the JPP thread(if one was even created here).
  11. To grow up in the era we have grown up in with regards to sports. We were able to witness true GOAT's of their sport go at it. Especially those born in the 70s/80s Football: Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Emmitt Smith breaking the all time rushing record, the patriots dynasty which in the age of free agency might be the most impressive dynasty ever. All of Jerry Rice's records for receiving. Lawrence Taylor on the defensive side of the ball. Basketball: Michael Jordan and LeBron James, what more could you say? Baseball: No one will touch Babe Ruth in this department I don't think except maybe the likes of Mike Trout. Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's record. The greatest closer of all time, Mariano Rivera. Tennis: Serena Williams, Roger Federer, and Rafael Nadal Golf: Tiger Woods and now the current crop of players. I think current crop is the best overall field ever in golf. NHL: Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux. Olympics: Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, NASCAR: Jimmie Johnson, Dale Earnhardt Boxing: Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather Soccer: Lionel Messi, Christiano Rinaldo, Mia Hamm, Marta College Football: The greatest national championship/game of all time, Texas vs USC. Vince Young. 2001 Miami Hurricanes/2005 Texas.
  12. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/02/07/oan-trump-network-11-hours-466134 TL;DR. Without Trump steering eyeballs their way via Twitter (and without him in the Oval) they are running out of topics to cover.
  13. At this point I think it is inevitable and possibly even can be accomplished without historic bloodshed as has happened before in large-scale American realignments. Sensible ex-Republicans like so many of y'all on this board join forces with centrist Dems for a moderate middle party. This would be the fulcrum. On the left you'd have the People's Party and on the right you'd have the "Patriots." Middle party has to make deals with these two -- hopefully, most of these would be with the left, as this People's Party would just be an irrational rage vehicle. I know there are a million hurdles in the way of this happening but again, what we have now is not sustainable. The divisions among the Dems are kind of dormant now, but they are almost as deep as those among the old GOP guard and the MAGATs, which is going full on Whig Supernova right now. Like slavery before it, the Internet is a stress test the Constitution is failing. It's fucking cliched as hell now, buuutttt: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. I do believe you could have a party with both Mitch and Joe Biden on the same team. I would not be a member of that party, but I don't think it would be as bad a party as either partisan centrist Dems or partisan moderate Repubs fear. That's the strong principled party I'd like to see and snipe at from the left. And it would isolate and contain the CHUDS into a fringe party with almost no financial backing save what they could raise on their own.
  14. They kept it together longer than we did, but it seems like the Dutch are flaking out now too. At least they have easy access to drugs. The situation across the Netherlands remained tense but without major unrest on Tuesday night after three nights of violence in protest against the government's implementation of tough restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Police took to the streets of towns and cities across the country to prevent violent rioting, while businesses closed early and shops boarded up. On Tuesday when the 9 p.m. curfew went into effect, rowdy crowds of youths gathered in Amsterdam and Hilversum, but were broken up without incident. In Rotterdam, 33 people were detained for violating social distancing regulations and vandalism. That was in stark contrast to Monday night, when rioting rocked cities across the country and more than 180 people were arrested for burning vehicles, stone-throwing and widespread looting. https://www.dw.com/en/netherlands-tensions-high-after-nights-of-covid-lockdown-riots/a-56355415?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email
  15. So, classic first-wave-of-heavy metal band and Metallica-influencer Diamond Head went into the studios and re-did their entire Lightning to the Nations album last year. The original was a classic. The re-do is badass. Considering how crappy the recording quality of the original was... I'm in favor of it. Plus, they've had decades to improve their chops.
  16. I need every article you can find describing what an asshole he is/bad things he's done Any tweets from former players or coworkers are good too. I need to collect this stuff to give to someone I know.
  17. Not sure if it should be in this forum or on the Texas BBQ thread... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2021/01/13/armie-hammer-responds-alleged-dms-blood-cannibal-exits-movie-j-lo/ he apparently texted his ex and told her he wanted to rip out her ribs, bbq and eat them. Then there’s a bunch of alleged DM’s to other women discussing his cannibalistic fantasies.
  18. Zillow? apartments.com? West campus? Speedway? Riverside? Thanks in advance.
  19. A place to put what you want to see on the podcasts. Write ins to be read. Requests to bestow the podcast with your presence etc.
  20. What in the wide world of sports could be weirder, in today’s covid world, than our Dallas Cowboys making the playoffs. I can cheer for the Cowboys to win, & philly to beat WFC... it’s as simple as that.
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